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After sandblasting a frame....RB or epoxy primer?

Bronco Ben

Jckofalltrdes master/none
Aug 9, 2003
Coffeeville, Alabama
after sandblasting a frame and removing "all the rust" what would be better, to use rust bullet, then a top coat or epoxy primer, then regular primer then a top coat? ...just wondering about opinions here.
Bronco Ben


Bronco Guru
Dec 9, 2003
South Carolina
I blasted my frame then RB! If you are doing RB that is the only way you can go. Why not, youll never have a rusty frame ever again. Then you will never have to worry about it. Then you can topcoat it whatever color you want. I am debating whether to keep mine silver or to topcoat it gloss black. I am painting the body a midnight blue color. With the interior Black also. Good Luck;D Keep us posted and we want alot of pics!