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After Shipment Bronco will not start - Please help


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
Yes I Had several customers tell me this before IT HAPPENED to me. What me & a couple of shops decided, Was that there is a difference in grounded base & non grounded bases.
... I did it on my 1980 Bronco I believe 3 times. Didn't really matter as I had a parts store & I just used , used batterys most of the time . When a customer traded theirs in we ask questions .. Lots of old men said it's on Mothers car & it 2 years old I don't want her car to not start this winter .. YES SIR You need a New Battery.
So We charged every battery that came through my store. Then tested them & reused about 30% of them. One of my old time employees had a dozer that had 4 chevy type battery's on it. It cranked easy but during the spring time he got all the batterys.
............ Best we could tell was grounded & Non Grounded .. We even had a hand written note on the shelf for all 3 part numbers.
Basically if one blew up & smoked we give the customer the other.
& I sold Standard Ign . Then BWD ''I didn't like this one'' Delco . & THEN MY Trust Brand it was Part Plus House Brand, Wells I think. I liked it better than BWD.


New Member
Jan 22, 2008
Katy, TX
Took her for a shake down run today...

Happy that she started right up but then after letting her run for a minute I was about to get in to pull out and she turned off. This is not uncommon as sometimes she takes a minute to warm up so I just started her right back up. She started up just fine but now I moticed my Tac was not working by anymore. I also checked other electrical and noticed my blinkers were not working either. I checked fuses quick and did not immediately see anything blown. I'll have to do some more troubleshooting to see what's going on. I'm hoping this problem is unrelated to the other starting issue but I'm really not sure.