Yes I Had several customers tell me this before IT HAPPENED to me. What me & a couple of shops decided, Was that there is a difference in grounded base & non grounded bases.
... I did it on my 1980 Bronco I believe 3 times. Didn't really matter as I had a parts store & I just used , used batterys most of the time . When a customer traded theirs in we ask questions .. Lots of old men said it's on Mothers car & it 2 years old I don't want her car to not start this winter .. YES SIR You need a New Battery.
So We charged every battery that came through my store. Then tested them & reused about 30% of them. One of my old time employees had a dozer that had 4 chevy type battery's on it. It cranked easy but during the spring time he got all the batterys.
............ Best we could tell was grounded & Non Grounded .. We even had a hand written note on the shelf for all 3 part numbers.
Basically if one blew up & smoked we give the customer the other.
& I sold Standard Ign . Then BWD ''I didn't like this one'' Delco . & THEN MY Trust Brand it was Part Plus House Brand, Wells I think. I liked it better than BWD.
... I did it on my 1980 Bronco I believe 3 times. Didn't really matter as I had a parts store & I just used , used batterys most of the time . When a customer traded theirs in we ask questions .. Lots of old men said it's on Mothers car & it 2 years old I don't want her car to not start this winter .. YES SIR You need a New Battery.
So We charged every battery that came through my store. Then tested them & reused about 30% of them. One of my old time employees had a dozer that had 4 chevy type battery's on it. It cranked easy but during the spring time he got all the batterys.
............ Best we could tell was grounded & Non Grounded .. We even had a hand written note on the shelf for all 3 part numbers.
Basically if one blew up & smoked we give the customer the other.
& I sold Standard Ign . Then BWD ''I didn't like this one'' Delco . & THEN MY Trust Brand it was Part Plus House Brand, Wells I think. I liked it better than BWD.