Best way is to get a vaccuum gauge. You want to see around 20-25 psi of vacuum pressure when at idle. Put the vacuum gauge on your vacuum advance tube and then adjust one idle set screw until you get max vacuum pressure and the pressure stops increasing on the gauge. Then perform the same operation using the other idle set screw. Switch between idle set screws until everything is equalized and the pressure sits right.
Typically this is around 2.5 turns. At 1.5 turns you will most likely run lean and this could cause damage over time as you will torch out your exhaust valve seats if you run too lean.
Note on Dwell/Tack for your distributor. Lookup what your distributor requires if you are running points. As I recall, manual trans requires 27degrees of dwell, auto trans requires distributor dwell at 29degrees, but make sure from manual. Dwell/Tack is the most important part of timing to ensure that you get proper fuel burn. Without proper fuel burn, all the idle adjustment in the world will still cause your engine to run improperly.
Hope this helps!