ALMOST LOST IT! my sister called and woke me up at about 4:30 am to tell me
there was a fire close to her. took me a second to realize my bronco was
sitting out there in a shed made of match sticks! did nearly 100mph all the
way there to see the most amazing thing i have ever seen! fire every
where.when i pulled onto her property the fire was only 100yards from where
my bronc was. slapped it back together quiker than you could believe(it was
getting stripped for paint) the shed it was in was freaking glowing! god
damn that is one heavy sumbitch! finally got a tow strap on it and pulled it
to an open field. thought it would be safe there as what could really catch
fire? well helped my dad and sister load up .and moved some of my other
treasures i keep out there.figured all is good until F.D. came
down the mt. like hell and started to catch everything in it`s way.noticed
an area in front of my broinlaws f-250 camperspecial heading right for it.
grabbed a shovel and went at the beotch out only to turn around see
it heading right for my paps pad .went at that one then bam everything was
on fire(trees,bushes,woodpile,misc,yard crap etc.etc.)my broinlaw pulls up
in his loader and dumped some dirt to put it out.whew!(we think) lokked down
the other side only to see trees every where on fire. we go at it again.
then this old palm goes up down in the field where my bronco is starts other
surrounding trees.the wind started blowing hard it was raining fire..HOLY
CRAP! didn`t think i could run that fast! everyones fighting the fire and
i`m trying to hook the bronco up to a tow strap to move it.the seats stated
to catch fire so all i could think of was to start throwing dirt in the
bronco(no top on it).think the seats are gone but the rest is all good.
finally get it hooked and get my dad to pull me up to where the other fire
was( figured nothing up there left to burn so it should be safe.)he was
pulling me through this path when fire started blowing in the wind he
punched it and all i could feel was heat(my eyes were closed at that moment
from the smoke stinging them.)anyhow she is all good.a few burn holes in the
seats i can live with but losing the bronco well,f*ck that! there were 10
homes on the same road that were a total loss. we only lost 1 structure, a
bunch of tools, and several other vehicles. BTW the fire dept showed an
hour after our own fire storm. just got home and damn that was some crazy
a$$ sh*t!
there was a fire close to her. took me a second to realize my bronco was
sitting out there in a shed made of match sticks! did nearly 100mph all the
way there to see the most amazing thing i have ever seen! fire every
where.when i pulled onto her property the fire was only 100yards from where
my bronc was. slapped it back together quiker than you could believe(it was
getting stripped for paint) the shed it was in was freaking glowing! god
damn that is one heavy sumbitch! finally got a tow strap on it and pulled it
to an open field. thought it would be safe there as what could really catch
fire? well helped my dad and sister load up .and moved some of my other
treasures i keep out there.figured all is good until F.D. came
down the mt. like hell and started to catch everything in it`s way.noticed
an area in front of my broinlaws f-250 camperspecial heading right for it.
grabbed a shovel and went at the beotch out only to turn around see
it heading right for my paps pad .went at that one then bam everything was
on fire(trees,bushes,woodpile,misc,yard crap etc.etc.)my broinlaw pulls up
in his loader and dumped some dirt to put it out.whew!(we think) lokked down
the other side only to see trees every where on fire. we go at it again.
then this old palm goes up down in the field where my bronco is starts other
surrounding trees.the wind started blowing hard it was raining fire..HOLY
CRAP! didn`t think i could run that fast! everyones fighting the fire and
i`m trying to hook the bronco up to a tow strap to move it.the seats stated
to catch fire so all i could think of was to start throwing dirt in the
bronco(no top on it).think the seats are gone but the rest is all good.
finally get it hooked and get my dad to pull me up to where the other fire
was( figured nothing up there left to burn so it should be safe.)he was
pulling me through this path when fire started blowing in the wind he
punched it and all i could feel was heat(my eyes were closed at that moment
from the smoke stinging them.)anyhow she is all good.a few burn holes in the
seats i can live with but losing the bronco well,f*ck that! there were 10
homes on the same road that were a total loss. we only lost 1 structure, a
bunch of tools, and several other vehicles. BTW the fire dept showed an
hour after our own fire storm. just got home and damn that was some crazy
a$$ sh*t!