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Anyone find Rick Halle?


Mar 27, 2002
And you should be!! Hell your self employed, which means your rich, just buy a damn digital camera all ready!!!;D

yep all self employed people are rich, we're rolling in the dough. ;D ;D ;D ;D and wow i didn't realize another 6 months had passed. And here rick is back on the front page for another round of bashing. hmm what wiil july bring. ;)


Bronco Guru
Oct 12, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
i havent had any luck with those services in the past, they just gave info i already had ...

The guy that scammed me, I started with zabasearch, then used google on any number of phrases associated with him. After a few hours, I had his address, phone number, age, where he worked, what high school he went to, and what church he attended.

You need to do a little comparison with the facts you already have in order to be sure you have the right guy, but success is more a matter of patience and persistence than of skill.


Bronco Guru
Apr 8, 2008
"Bax, we talkin gator bait? That so nice that you're so welcoming!"... that is actually a good idea, you can hunt gators down here and make some money. So how much do we need to make back for all the people ripped off?......kidding....well kinda.


Old Member
Aug 22, 2005
Down side is either way they are never seeing their money.


Bronco Guru
Oct 12, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
Rick is probably not interested in going to jail or having an actual legal judgement against him... Unless he's stupid that is. So the people he ripped off have to do two things.

1) Find him
2) Convince him that one or the other will happen unless he deals you a refund.

People only ever do things that they WANT to do. I'm sure Rick WANTS to stay out of jail. If you convince him that the way to do that is to issue a refund, he'll do it. I've already posted exactly how I did that to another scammer. It's up to you as consumers to do the same or something else that works. The key is to be willing to follow the process all the way through (even if it's out of spite and you'll spend more than the refund you get to do it), if you're taking action that will really and truly affect him directly and he knows it, then he's not just going to ignore you.

I will tell you from experience that you'll probably have better luck working individually than as a group. Definitely post up your actions and findings here as you do them, so when the first person finds Rick, everybody will know where to look, and when the first person gets a refund, everybody else will know what course of action to follow to motivate him.... But as far as a "class action" goes; Lets just say that you few motivated buyers will just end up getting pissed at all the lazy ones who don't want a refund enough to do anything about it.

One other thing... Just posting up threads asking what's up and if anybody else has got him yet will NOT get you a refund under any circumstances (sorry to be harsh, but that's all I see going on here)


Bronco Guru
Apr 18, 2003
what was he saleing and what was his handle on this sight

His handle was "saddleup" and he was peddling soft tops, trail tops, and maybe some other stuff? Folks lost the biggest $$ on the tops, but they've lost the most recent $$ on the trail tops...

Here's his user profile. Note the BANNED under his name....


Sad thing is he was a very active member here (almost 10k posts in around three years!) and a very useful resource to the EB community. Then he went rogue.


Red Head Grease Monkey
Jan 23, 2002
Stockton, CA
Rick is probably not interested in going to jail or having an actual legal judgement against him... Unless he's stupid that is. So the people he ripped off have to do two things.

1) Find him
2) Convince him that one or the other will happen unless he deals you a refund.

People only ever do things that they WANT to do. I'm sure Rick WANTS to stay out of jail. If you convince him that the way to do that is to issue a refund, he'll do it. I've already posted exactly how I did that to another scammer. It's up to you as consumers to do the same or something else that works. The key is to be willing to follow the process all the way through (even if it's out of spite and you'll spend more than the refund you get to do it), if you're taking action that will really and truly affect him directly and he knows it, then he's not just going to ignore you.

I will tell you from experience that you'll probably have better luck working individually than as a group. Definitely post up your actions and findings here as you do them, so when the first person finds Rick, everybody will know where to look, and when the first person gets a refund, everybody else will know what course of action to follow to motivate him.... But as far as a "class action" goes; Lets just say that you few motivated buyers will just end up getting pissed at all the lazy ones who don't want a refund enough to do anything about it.

One other thing... Just posting up threads asking what's up and if anybody else has got him yet will NOT get you a refund under any circumstances (sorry to be harsh, but that's all I see going on here)

Even with a judgment against him you are going to have a hard time getting your money. I have judgments against two former clients of mine and it has proven all but impossible to collect any money from them. My choices are to hire a collections agency and give up half of what they manage to collect. Or wait years to find out what I need in order to enforce judgment. A judgment is nothing but a piece of paper saying someone owes you money as far as I am concerned.


Bronco Guru
Jun 26, 2007
Marshall, AR
I will tell you from experience that you'll probably have better luck working individually than as a group. Definitely post up your actions and findings here as you do them, so when the first person finds Rick, everybody will know where to look, and when the first person gets a refund, everybody else will know what course of action to follow to motivate him....

and that's exactly why he will never willingly refund anybodies money.

This doesn't sound like a fight that will be won easily, so...it would seem to make sense that if everybody could lump their complaints in together, and fight the battle once, it would benefit all.

Surely we have some members here that are lawyers that would be willing to help out????

Where you at Rob1962? ;D


Bronco Guru
Feb 23, 2006
I would have NO problem taking his Bronco and selling it off piece by piece to get people back there money!! Hell I would pull the Gold fillings out of his mouth.........................if he had teeth! But he owes me very little, and I can chalk it up as a life experience!!


Bronco Guru
Oct 12, 2008
Flagstaff, AZ
Even with a judgment against him you are going to have a hard time getting your money. I have judgments against two former clients of mine and it has proven all but impossible to collect any money from them. My choices are to hire a collections agency and give up half of what they manage to collect. Or wait years to find out what I need in order to enforce judgment. A judgment is nothing but a piece of paper saying someone owes you money as far as I am concerned.

Hmm... Maybe we're operating in different worlds. Or more likely I'm just stubborn enough to knock that brick wall down with my forehead;)

Both my father and I have good luck getting to people who have slighted us. This may not quite be apples and apples, but it's close enough that I think the lesson still applies: My father is the interference coordinater for one of the local HAM radio clubs and a few years ago they had somebody maliciously interfering with broadcasts. It took about a year and lots of calls & letters to the FCC, the state and US attorney General, and the white house (yes, really) but eventually the guy 1) had a $3000 fine assessed, 2) had the AG's office come after him for the money (at my father's request) and 3) had several police officers show up at his door and cuff him and take him into custody for not paying. In the end he paid, lost all his radio equipment, and had to sign an agreement to not operate on HAM frequencies in the future. In the end, it was the first lady who literally put a bug in the President's ear so he would ask the FCC why some guy kept writing them for what should be an FCC issue. Without that the FCC wouldn't have taken action that they could have, nor would the AG or the local police.....

It really is a matter of persistence. If you aren't willing to push and push and push, then you should not expect anything. The law is in our favor, but keep in mind that you have to be the squeaky wheel to get attention for what in the eyes of the enforcers is a petty crime.

Besides even if you give up half of what Rick owes you, wouldn't it be better to get something... and to see his credit and/or personal life damaged in the process.

If 20 people who he owed money to sent debt to collections he would be pretty hosed from a credit standpoint. Chances are good that he needs what credit he has (most Americans do after all).


Jr. Member
Feb 13, 2005
True Northern CA
I would have NO problem taking his Bronco and selling it off piece by piece to get people back there money!! Hell I would pull the Gold fillings out of his mouth.........................if he had teeth! But he owes me very little, and I can chalk it up as a life experience!!

LMAO;D ;D ;D ;D ;D ;D

Thought that I saw him in Alturas during the Fourth of July. Then I got a better look and this guy had more teeth.



Full Member
Feb 26, 2002
okc ok
His handle was "saddleup" and he was peddling soft tops, trail tops, and maybe some other stuff? Folks lost the biggest $$ on the tops, but they've lost the most recent $$ on the trail tops...

Here's his user profile. Note the BANNED under his name....


Sad thing is he was a very active member here (almost 10k posts in around three years!) and a very useful resource to the EB community. Then he went rogue.

I remember him now. thought it was same guy. Iv got one of his covers i won it at ocbr few yrs back. Heard he got hooked on meth not sure just what i heard. That sucks a bronco brother turning to sht. most of time ive found what goes around comes around one way or another. what a pissant!