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Anyone Tried This? (push/pull fans)


Full Member
Mar 13, 2002
San Jose, CA
I was just thinking the other day and wondering if it was possible. Anyone used the stock mechanical fan as well as placing an electrical pusher fan in FRONT of the radiator? I was thinking this way, at highway speeds, etc, you could just use the mechanical. When wheeling and things get a little warm you could hit a switch on your dash (or thermostat controlled) and have the pusher in front kick in.

Just a thought.


Bronco Guru
Dec 26, 2001
I run that same setup on mine. Flex fan on the engine with a 11" SPAL pusher fan on the front of the radiator, between the grill and PS cooler. Works great and I usually turn it on around 195 degrees. There's a stock application for the SPAL fans if you're interested in hitting the local junkyards.


Bronco Guru
Jul 31, 2001
Lakewood, CA
I put a 16" Spal on mine and I'd say go with the smaller diameter one. I had massive problems making it fit and if I didn't have a glass front clip I wouldn't have been able to do it.


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2002
Petoskey, MI

I have the 5 blade fan from chucks w/a shroud and a 16" pusher I got from Duff's. It came with the mounting hardware needed to make it fit... like a OJ simpson GLOVE!

I had to tilt the rad back about 3/4" and shave down the fan shim but it works pretty good.

I have a pretty hopped up 351 and I turn it on at 190 when go'n slow, the pusher allows me to go longer... but still climbs to like 215 before I shut her down... used to take 10 min. now it's like 1/2 hr till it's too hot. BUT I still get nervous at the drive thru windows!

I have a BC HD 3 core sitt'n in my entry-way ready to drop in, I assume this combo will be fine, as long as it'll fit ok with the pusher etc.



Bronco Guru
Jun 20, 2001
I'm setting up to run to nissan pusher fans via a writeup I saw on a website, plus use the stock mech. fan. If you want to check it out, run a search on yahoo or whatever search engine you prefer on "broke bronco owner". I can't remember the address of the site, but by using the above you'll find it.

You can install these two pushers by drilling only four holes in the core support.
