I see everyone waiting on pins and needles for days for their Bronco Driver magazine to arrive. Then, everyone gets their magazines and reads them, then the vultures come out and attack the guy over his style and methodology of how to do a certain job. He's gone to the trouble to write an article for the same magazine everyone has been waiting breathlessly to arrive, so they can bust his chops for contributing. Talk about lunacy, drugs, and alcohol.
As I said earlier, I would not cut my grill or do it the way he did it. But i'm not going to call him names or degrade him over his style or methods. For all any of us knows, he might have a NOS grill sitting in the corner for when he moves on to body work sometime in the future.
Once again, I call bullshit on it because if he's a silent member here, you can bet your ass he will never again be inclined to contribute to THAT magazine.
You grumble because you want more content in the magazine but this is how you treat contributors?
Dusty, you sorta missed the point, thinking I want to start another thread or am one to insult every article in the magazine. That's why I defined it as sarcasm, so you would "get it". But you clearly defend this thread and it's intent, and other past examples of the same behavior.
It's one thing to say: "thats not how I would do it" but it becomes offensive to start calling the guy names and degrading him in some act of arrogant superiority just because it's not how you would do it.