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Article about cam swap in new bronco driver


Bronco Guru
Mar 4, 2009
boise, idaho
Ok, i just have to ask this question: how many of you guys would have cut a section out of your unmolested grill to swap out a cam? i'm not sure why you wouldnt just take out the few bolts and pull the whole grill off. just seems that it would be a pain to reweld that section back in then bodywork it and paint.%)


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
I thought the same thing, but then recalled how rough it was to remove my grill when I started my project. I had to cut the heads off most of the 33 year old bolts with a grinder, including the front grill body mounts.
So, if his grill hasn't ever been removed, this might be the easiest for him.

It's worth noting that in his article he did remove the pan and installed a new pan gasket, but it is not a requirement when doing a cam swap.


Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2004
I personally would have pulled the engine for the cam swap AND the oil pan. But to each their own. Some prefer body work over pulling a few more bolts.


Bronco Guru
Aug 12, 2003
One of my Bronco's had this done and the PO JB welded the grill back together. IMHO this is a crappy short cut. I would rather pull the whole front clip or engine in order to do a cam swap.

I think its right up there with the PVC rollbar on Crazy Horse when he first bought it.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
I would not even consider cutting a hole in my grill. %) Tacky.
Remove it. If the bolts holding it on are frozen, then that's even more reason to remove it and replace the hardware and treat the fenders/grill for corrosion resistance. :)


Total hack
Jun 4, 2002
Pulling the engine isn't that hard.
Cut the grill if it was a trail truck that will be bounded into a ball of scrap metal in a couple years anyway.

I can't pull my grill easily, it has been bondo'd to the fender


Mar 8, 2007
I would not even consider cutting a hole in my grill. %)
Remove it. If the bolts holding it on are frozen, then that's even more reason to remove it and replace the hardware and treat the fenders/grill for corrosion resistance. :)

That's for sure... keep it whole.. Tsk, tsk...


Bronco Guru
Mar 5, 2004
Eugene, OR
i remember changing the cam in scott's bronco. it was a PITA to get the grille off and back on, but much better than butchering one!


Bronco Guru
Mar 4, 2009
boise, idaho
ya, it just gives a guy the warm fuzzys knowing that you did the job right. its also a good feeling to know that you reinstalled the grill with rust prevention and new grade eight bolts!


Bronco Guru
Jun 28, 2001
I've seen a few of these butchered grills from just that reason. Its a shame to take such a lazy route.



Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
I dont' care how he did it. It's his to do with at he pleases, hell if he wants to use a crane and tear the hood off it to add a quart of oil, it's his to do with as he pleases. What's the difference in this and the million other things that people do to their rigs? He's in Alaska, where many times parts are several weeks out and an airplane ride away.
I'm going to call bullshit on this thread, for people to come here and hammer away at the guy for the way he did this task, when this site exists mostly for people to describe their own individual methodology, and modifications.


Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
I dont' care how he did it. It's his to do with at he pleases, hell if he wants to use a crane and tear the hood off it to add a quart of oil, it's his to do with as he pleases. What's the difference in this and the million other things that people do to their rigs? He's in Alaska, where many times parts are several weeks out and an airplane ride away.
I'm going to call bullshit on this thread, for people to come here and hammer away at the guy for the way he did this task, when this site exists mostly for people to describe their own individual methodology, and modifications.

Oh-oh the thought police showed up. %)
Lazy is lazy and he did it the lazy way - how is that debateable? Yup, his rig, do as you want with your own rig, but I would not take that short cut. How do you like those opinion apples? Am I entitled to it?

Wait.... did you emulate this method Wyflyer?
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Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
Oh-oh the thought police showed up. %)
Lazy is lazy and he did it the lazy way - how is that debateable? Yup, his rig, do as you want with your own rig, but I would not take that short cut. How do you like those opinion apples? Am I entitled to it?

Wait.... did you emulate this method Wyflyer?

I wondered who would be the first crybaby to get butt hurt over my comment.
But now that you mention it, lets critique the entire magazine. Who would want to waste a good Bronco body by putting it on a Ford Focus chassis and engine?? WTF is that about ?? Probably illegal.
Then, you have the wooden body Bronco, which is an idiotic idea and good for ab-so-lutely nothing and a waste of time and money. With this kind of thinking, we'd still have a Navy built of wooden ships.
And did you see that EDBR article?? Well, all pics and no article.. how are we supposed to know the who, what, when, where of that story?:
Okay, i'll chill out, you get my sarcasm I think. This can go as far as we want to take it I suppose, I just don't agree that it's in good taste to attack how someone else does their work. You might even call it "tacky" to second guess him...
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Bronco Guru
Jun 28, 2001
The Bronco-bodied Escort has already been discussed here, with both positive and negative input. I haven't seen the current issue of BD so I'm not sure about the wooden Bronco, but at least one wooden Bronco has been open to scrutiny here in the past. You're right, everything is subject to someone's opinion, and that's one thing this forum is all about: discussing something we see and offering our opinions. So if you want to start a new thread to discuss some of the other items in the mag, by all means do so and many folks will voice there opinions on those as well.



Bronco Klutz
Aug 29, 2003
NW Indiana
I wondered who would be the first crybaby to get butt hurt over my comment....
Woah, you're the whiney bitch here... crying over a little logical criticism. The guy goes through all that work, and doesn't take the grill off? Or remove the engine? WTF?
But now that you mention it, lets critique the entire magazine. Who would want to waste a good Bronco body by putting it on a Ford Focus chassis and engine?? WTF is that about ?? Probably illegal.
Then, you have the wooden body Bronco, which is an idiotic idea and good for ab-so-lutely nothing and a waste of time and money. With this kind of thinking, we'd still have a Navy built of wooden ships.
And did you see that EDBR article?? Well, all pics and no article.. how are we supposed to know the who, what, when, where of that story?:
Okay, i'll chill out, you get my sarcasm I think. This can go as far as we want to take it I suppose, I just don't agree that it's in good taste to attack how someone else does their work. You might even call it "tacky" to second guess him...
Are you on drugs? You make absolutely no sense with this drone. No one is picking apart the entire magazine.

And what the hell does his being in Alaska have to do with removing the grill or not or pulling the engine? Layoff the liquor.

%) :p
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Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
I see everyone waiting on pins and needles for days for their Bronco Driver magazine to arrive. Then, everyone gets their magazines and reads them, then the vultures come out and attack the guy over his style and methodology of how to do a certain job. He's gone to the trouble to write an article for the same magazine everyone has been waiting breathlessly to arrive, so they can bust his chops for contributing. Talk about lunacy, drugs, and alcohol.
As I said earlier, I would not cut my grill or do it the way he did it. But i'm not going to call him names or degrade him over his style or methods. For all any of us knows, he might have a NOS grill sitting in the corner for when he moves on to body work sometime in the future.
Once again, I call bullshit on it because if he's a silent member here, you can bet your ass he will never again be inclined to contribute to THAT magazine.
You grumble because you want more content in the magazine but this is how you treat contributors?
Dusty, you sorta missed the point, thinking I want to start another thread or am one to insult every article in the magazine. That's why I defined it as sarcasm, so you would "get it". But you clearly defend this thread and it's intent, and other past examples of the same behavior.
It's one thing to say: "thats not how I would do it" but it becomes offensive to start calling the guy names and degrading him in some act of arrogant superiority just because it's not how you would do it.


Bronco Guru
Mar 4, 2009
boise, idaho
Wow, i was only stating my OPINION Wyflyer. Am i entitled to that? it just seemed odd to hack up a perfectly good grill when you could just unbolt it. dont you think? im not thrashing on the alaskan ways. ah hell, its hot out today, i think im going to pull out the sawzall and cut a hole in my hard top to get some fresh air. lol its to hard to unbolt it! lol


Bronco Guru
Apr 1, 2008
No Johnny I have no complaint with how you started the thread or what you said. But it became more than opinion and started turning into name calling insults. I don't know where he lives, but i've been to the Alaska bush and it's different there. They are very utilitarian and self reliant and don't get hung up on silly cosmetics. I'd say if he can take the trouble to write an article for the magazine, complete with photos, he is capable enough to know whether it is easy enough for HIM to repair his grill vs. removing it.
Alaskans are the MacGuyver types you WANT to be on the plane with you when it goes down on a deserted island.


Bronco Guru
Aug 12, 2003
No Johnny I have no complaint with how you started the thread or what you said. But it became more than opinion and started turning into name calling insults. I don't know where he lives, but i've been to the Alaska bush and it's different there. They are very utilitarian and self reliant and don't get hung up on silly cosmetics. I'd say if he can take the trouble to write an article for the magazine, complete with photos, he is capable enough to know whether it is easy enough for HIM to repair his grill vs. removing it.
Alaskans are the MacGuyver types you WANT to be on the plane with you when it goes down on a deserted island.

Read the thread above again. The name calling did not start until you chimed in? I think everyone was commenting that this was a lazy way to do a cam swap. Not one person attacked the guy personally, but did denounce that method?