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Atlas Shifter Locations Questions....



Hey All,

I'm having a hell of a time with my twin stick on the Atlas. I'm beginning to think they sent me universal shifters instead of Bronco shifters. I cannot get the "sticks" to be on the left or right side of the left crease of the tunnel. In other words, they are not sticking out of the side or the top of tunnel, rather right in the middle of both. If I rotate them one way or the other, they seem to bind.

Any pics or suggestion. I wish I had the moolah for the cable shifters!



Sr. Member
Apr 18, 2005
Windsor, CO
Miley said:
Hey All,

I'm having a hell of a time with my twin stick on the Atlas. I'm beginning to think they sent me universal shifters instead of Bronco shifters. I cannot get the "sticks" to be on the left or right side of the left crease of the tunnel. In other words, they are not sticking out of the side or the top of tunnel, rather right in the middle of both. If I rotate them one way or the other, they seem to bind.

Any pics or suggestion. I wish I had the moolah for the cable shifters!


Yup, that is where they throw. Right in the middle. At least that is where they did on mine. I just bent the boot plate to fit and screwed it in and never had an issue with it.