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B.C. Broncos Product Catalog


Sr. Member
Nov 5, 2001
Lumberton, Texas
the site wouldnt let me order a catalog. it says something about invalid service from selected origin. does that mean i cant use UPS, if so what do i do


Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta
chuck said:
I need a phone number. My guess is it will be a lot more to have a large Enough Said put on and I would think the thread would get dirty fast
We all need a phone number!! But not for what you want.

What's a little money if it really chokes up the H**pers?? I love rubbing the j**pers nose in it. The Bronco account has over a 100 in it. Enough??

Thread get dirty. We all get dirty. working on Bronco, playing in mud, playing in river, playing in SNOW ( you know, that cold white stuff) playing in sand, playing period. We are grown puppies, if we get it dirty we can take care of it. You know, dry clean it occasionally.

Mass Buy!!! Greeat Idea!! Put HotWheels in charge of it! I'm IN, don't care the cost.

Wheres my 'Enough Said' spare tire cover?
Getting tired of the broken record yet Chuck??



Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
Ok, I'm an idiot. How do I request the catalog?? I get an error message also:

United Parcel Service
An error occured with the UPS shipping calculations.
The requested service is invalid from the selected origin.
If you prefer to use UPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.


Sr. Member
Jul 25, 2001
msweb said:
United Parcel Service
An error occured with the UPS shipping calculations.
The requested service is invalid from the selected origin.
If you prefer to use UPS as your shipping method, please contact the store owner.

Same here.


Bronco God
Jan 6, 2002
chuck said:
I need a phone number. My guess is it will be a lot more to have a large Enough Said put on and I would think the thread would get dirty fast

I can't seem to find a phone number for you but here's some other info to contact her if you like............

Ebay user name is "Chopper43"

Her name is Angie and the last email addy I used during our correspondence (over a year ago) is chopper@telus.net

Hopefully this will at least get you a start for a contact???????


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
The e-comm does not understand shipping on free and I don't have time right now to fix it. Use the toll free number to get the free catalog. 888 304-2945. Or order something that cost money and ask for a catalog in the comment area.
I will look into having the tire covers made again.


Bronco Madman
Jul 30, 2001
walker949 said:
GAWD, I'm a royal pain in the ass about this!!! Aren't I daddy chuck??

That's why you are T.O.F.I.C.
The Old Fart In Canada

;D %)


Full Member
Jun 14, 2004
Abilene, TX
chuck said:
The e-comm does not understand shipping on free and I don't have time right now to fix it. Use the toll free number to get the free catalog. 888 304-2945. Or order something that cost money and ask for a catalog in the comment area.
I will look into having the tire covers made again.
Chuck, I understand your e-comm does not understant shipping on free, and I understand about time. However, I do not feel like I should have to call you to send me a catalog, nor do I feel like I have to buy something from you just to send me a catalog. I may not have purchased as many $ as some on here, but at least 2 items (24 gal gas tankw/skid plate, and heavy duty shackles)...comes to mind. Look, I am not being an ass, but every other vendor out there sends me a catalog, wether I want it or not. I would really like to purchase one of those can-back tops from you in near future, but if you don't have the time to check out your customer data base...and send out catalogs, it kinda gives you a feeling like you are not so impotent...get my drift? :-X


Bronco Guru
Aug 14, 2001
Ingram, Texas
I had a catalog sent to everyone that ordered anything from us in the last year. I did not want to send one to people that have moved or sold their EB or died or whatever in the last 10 years that we have been in business and building a deta base. The only way to get into the data base is to buy something. The price does not matter, $.50 or $5000, your order is the only way I have of knowing you. The publisher sent those catalogs from FL.
Now when people call and give me their info. we send them a catalog but if you don't call I still don't know your info or that you want a catalog.
We have over 10,000 names in the data base, so should I send one to everyone on that list or call everyone and see if they want one or still have a EB? There is only 5 people working at BCB. At 5 min. per call that would take us all 21 days. that would be for the calls only and then we would have to get the info and package the catalog and take it to the post office. That would have to be done in our extra time that we have none of with all the orders that have to be shipped, parts to be ordered, adds to get ready, bills to pay, e mails to reply to, tech calls to answer, etc. and that can go on and on.
Also I am trying to not bother people with more than 1 catalog. I apoligize for asking you to call in with your info so I can send you a free catalog. It seemed like the simplest way to give away a catalog.
PS if you want a CAN BACK you should call in and get on the list, a few of the next order are still available that I ordered in Nov. I hope to have that order here in the next 2-3 weeks. After that it will be mid summer befor I get the next order that has already been made.


New Member
Apr 3, 2004
high desert, ca
70TEXEB said:
Chuck, I understand your e-comm does not understant shipping on free, and I understand about time. However, I do not feel like I should have to call you to send me a catalog, nor do I feel like I have to buy something from you just to send me a catalog. I may not have purchased as many $ as some on here, but at least 2 items (24 gal gas tankw/skid plate, and heavy duty shackles)...comes to mind. Look, I am not being an ass, but every other vendor out there sends me a catalog, wether I want it or not. I would really like to purchase one of those can-back tops from you in near future, but if you don't have the time to check out your customer data base...and send out catalogs, it kinda gives you a feeling like you are not so impotent...get my drift? :-X

WOW!!!!!! Are you for real or just trying to be funny? Chuck is one of the best venders you could ever deal with. I would rather deal with him then any body for parts. I'm glad he is now carrying more stuff. If you are for real............. I'm sure Chuck, Jason or the rest of the crew at B.C. did not realize that the world revolved around you. If you too busy to request a catalog, what are you doing wasting time writing to him on a public board?
Unless I read this wrong, you are "being an ass" as you stated.


Full Member
Jun 14, 2004
Abilene, TX
broncobillc said:
WOW!!!!!! Are you for real or just trying to be funny? Chuck is one of the best venders you could ever deal with. I would rather deal with him then any body for parts. I'm glad he is now carrying more stuff. If you are for real............. I'm sure Chuck, Jason or the rest of the crew at B.C. did not realize that the world revolved around you. If you too busy to request a catalog, what are you doing wasting time writing to him on a public board?
Unless I read this wrong, you are "being an ass" as you stated.
Maybe I was being a bit of an ass, but so far the qualifications to get a catalog is no $max, i have not moved in the last year, nor sold my EB in the last year, and they have my info. And yes I am busy, just like they are, and yes they are a good company to deal with. I am just wondering why it is so difficult to get a catalog without having to call and regive info or spend more $ to get one? And no, the world does not revolve around me, and why am I wasting time here? well, at least I got some sort of feedback that someone had time to answer on a public board.


Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
70TEXEB said:
.... I would really like to purchase one of those can-back tops from you in near future, but if you don't have the time to check out your customer data base...and send out catalogs, it kinda gives you a feeling like you are not so impotent...get my drift? :-X

;D ;D I don't know about you, but I don't want to be impotent ;D ;D

Oops - gotta run call the toll free voting number. I hate having to take the time to do it and really miss the good old days when we'd just click the mouse and viola, we voted. It was also a good way to let folks know that we weren't dead and that we still loved our Broncos. :-X


Sr. Member
Nov 2, 2001
70TEXEB said:
Chuck, I understand your e-comm does not understant shipping on free, and I understand about time. However, I do not feel like I should have to call you to send me a catalog, nor do I feel like I have to buy something from you just to send me a catalog. I may not have purchased as many $ as some on here, but at least 2 items (24 gal gas tankw/skid plate, and heavy duty shackles)...comes to mind. Look, I am not being an ass, but every other vendor out there sends me a catalog, wether I want it or not. I would really like to purchase one of those can-back tops from you in near future, but if you don't have the time to check out your customer data base...and send out catalogs, it kinda gives you a feeling like you are not so impotent...get my drift? :-X

OUCH! A free call for a free catalog and one minute of your time :eek:
I have purchased stuff from WH, Toms, JBG, Dennis Carpenter, etc and the only new catalogs I get from them are the ones I pickup at Fab Ford Forever or the ones that come with the order, and only if I ask for one.


Bronco Guru
Aug 29, 2003
Maybe he can't get his finger stiff enough to dial??? :eek:

Orange Crush

Bronco Guru
Nov 7, 2004
I'm glad I was not impotent enough to receive a catalog -- he he! Anyway, I have only had my Bronco for about one year now and I have never ordered from B.C. Broncos before (I have been dealing with Tom's, WH, and Duff's) but I called last night after reading Chuck's post and after a friendly 5 min conversation was told my free catalog was in the mail. Just the great customer service alone was enough to make me want to find something to order as soon as it arrives (which shouldn't been too hard right?). Sounds like a great catalog - I can't wait for it to get here!


Full Member
Jun 14, 2004
Abilene, TX
Ok,OK...yall win, Im sure I was a little bit on hard ass side, it could of been the hops, or barley? They have drugs out there now that will git it up. Guess I will make that call. It still makes me feel like I am buying the salesman's lunch instead of him buyin mine. But will get over it. :)