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BC Broncos 24 gal Fuel Tank


Bronco Guru
Oct 14, 2004
Thinking about replacing my rear fuel tank. I have read a lot of good comments about the BC Broncos 24 gal. Does anybody have pictures of their rig from the rear with this tank mounted? Would like to see how far it hangs down in the rear as compared to the stock tank. I do have a 1" body lift.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
JWMcCrary said:
You have a 3" body lift ???
If I understand correctly you can adjust the tank up farther with a body lift, so does that mean that with me having a 1" body lift it would hang 2" lower ???
Yes, that is correct. I have mine pushed up as far as I can get it. The skid plate I put on adds 3/4" to mine but has come in handy to keep the tank volume the same. I.E. The skid plate has dents in it from rocks. I doubt the 3/4" would have made a difference though. (That was the weekend I had both front and rear axles wedged between rocks at the same time)