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Be Careful Buying and Selling.......


Mar 8, 2007
Ouch, That's crazy man.

Definitely always meet in a public place if possible.


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2003
My wife always jokes about the craigslist killer every time I list or buy something for sale.


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2006
I typically meet in a public place like Walmart so there are plenty of people and cameras. Always armed and my firing hand is never occupied. It's a sad world when we can trust so few.

Mountain Ram

Recovering Masshole
May 8, 2011
Abingdon, VA
Public place and CC. Buying or selling.

I had a guy once insist on coming to my house after traveling six hours to get to my area to buy something. Once I gave in, he showed up with his wife in tow and said they were both concerned and felt more comfortable being in a neighborhood than some random spot... I was still armed as was my wife who was in the house keeping and eye out.


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2006
That brings up another point. My wife, on several occasions, has sold stuff on CL while I was out of town. When I find out she allowed a stranger in the house, especially without me there, I get very irritated. There are plenty of predators out there using CL as a one stop shop.


Mar 8, 2007
That brings up another point. My wife, on several occasions, has sold stuff on CL while I was out of town. When I find out she allowed a stranger in the house, especially without me there, I get very irritated. There are plenty of predators out there using CL as a one stop shop.

OMG, tell me about it. My wife does that too. I need to remind her about this kind of crazy sheet.

Of course half the time I have to wind up helping the buyer load stuff WTF woman haha


Bronco Guru
Jan 12, 2012
I did a Craigslist deal once and both the buyer and I were armed and concealed carrying. Talk about awkward and uncomfortable. He was edging thinking I might be a baiter (as in the story above) and I was edging thinking he was going to steal my stuff. What has the world come to?


Bronco Guru
Jan 1, 2011
Conway, AR
I never go on an adventure without my concealed carry and I take someone with me that also has a CC. "Don't leave home without it" is my general rule.

Very sad what happen to that couple.



Bronco Guru
Oct 8, 2003
we have a local online garage sale. we always meet in a public place


Full Member
Aug 9, 2013
Asheville, NC
I no longer open the door if I'm not expecting anyone and my husband is not at home, but I used to open the door with a kitchen towel over my shoulder and a very large butcher knife in my hand. If it was a friend they would say "oh what are you cooking", if it was a stranger, they backed up off the porch. ;D

We also traded a fish tank for a very nice revolver from CL. I was super nervous about somebody bringing a gun to a fish fight, so I kept my personal gun very near me just in case, but I was super lucky and they were very nice people who knew the value of what they were getting and I helped them load the tank, fish and corals. I would never do that again though.

This has become a very scary world and it's very sad.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
A local couple put a pu truck for sale on CL around here back last yr. and a guy shows up at the house where the supposed pu is for sale and the couple beats and robs the man and takes his truck.

They were crank heads and didn't even own the truck they had up for sale and was renting the trailer the were staying in.


Bronco Guru
Dec 12, 2001
Buffalo Gap, Texas
My CC is the third thing I put on in the morning. First underwear, second pants, and then CC in the waist band. It comes off at the end of the day, only to be laid beside me while watching the tube, and under the pillow at night. And that's around the house behind a 6' chain link fence. It's a .45 only because they don't make a .46! Bride of 24 years has her 38 under the sofa pillow right next to her.
Hey Yeller, I like that "sheople" word.


Full Member
Feb 6, 2008
Concord, NC
Not trying to be the site police but we should probly move this to the off topic. I just bought a Tahoe off of craigslist. Wasn't nervous or thinking about anything like this at all. We met in a high school parking lot and were talking about how you always here the craigslist horror stories. The seller said ( If I knew you were like this I would have had you come to my house.) He was going to call his father to pick him up since he no longer had a ride but I took him home instead. It was a good deal. Also bought my 86 ranger off of craigslist from a 90 year old man without any issues. I rode with him and his wife to the tag office to transfer the title. They were good christian people. You (can) meet some nice folks out there. But I agree you can't be to careful. With that said even if you have a CC, if someone pulls a gun out on you I seriously doubt you will have time to react before you get shot. It seems as though it would be better in a situation to have the gun open carry on your hip like the old western guys. (Easy access) But what message would that send?Unless your quick draw mcgraw or John Wayne and can take the gun away from them. I don't see any good would come from a CC. I don't know, I think it's easy to say I'm safe because I have my cocealed firearm but it's a false since of security, and like the previous poster said can put both parties on edge. And once they've robbed you you can't very well shoot them in the back that is unless you like the county's free continental breakfst. I guess it's still better to have a weapon where ever it may be than not have one at all. I feel for the family of these victims and hope they get through this tragedy. I also think they ought to hang the sick B------- that did this and not waste any money on this worthless individual..just my 2


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2014
I did a Craigslist deal once and both the buyer and I were armed and concealed carrying. Talk about awkward and uncomfortable. He was edging thinking I might be a baiter (as in the story above) and I was edging thinking he was going to steal my stuff. What has the world come to?

It has come to the fact that a few issues like this shouldn't make us feel that we all need to be locked and loaded. It is a bummer that you feel that way. I just stop watching the news as I don't think there are more incidents. I just think they are glamorized way to much to put us in fear, glue us to their program, and sell ads. Unfortunately good news doesn't sell.
I was on vacation on New Years Eve and watching what Fox had as the highlights of 2014. Everything, all headlines, involved death and disaster. Why??There were a lot of great things going on in 2014.
I try to use common sense with strangers and would definitely feel less at ease as the buyer with a pocket of cash...


Sr. Member
Nov 24, 2012
I used to work in TV news. All sex and violence, especially during sweeps which starts this Friday and runs through Feb. draws in eyeballs and ups the Neilson ratings. Personally I gave up watching the news many years ago, too negative and depressing.


Bronco Guru
Jul 16, 2012
Not trying to be the site police but we should probly move this to the off topic. I just bought a Tahoe off of craigslist. Wasn't nervous or thinking about anything like this at all. We met in a high school parking lot and were talking about how you always here the craigslist horror stories. The seller said ( If I knew you were like this I would have had you come to my house.) He was going to call his father to pick him up since he no longer had a ride but I took him home instead. It was a good deal. Also bought my 86 ranger off of craigslist from a 90 year old man without any issues. I rode with him and his wife to the tag office to transfer the title. They were good christian people. You (can) meet some nice folks out there. But I agree you can't be to careful. With that said even if you have a CC, if someone pulls a gun out on you I seriously doubt you will have time to react before you get shot. It seems as though it would be better in a situation to have the gun open carry on your hip like the old western guys. (Easy access) But what message would that send?Unless your quick draw mcgraw or John Wayne and can take the gun away from them. I don't see any good would come from a CC. I don't know, I think it's easy to say I'm safe because I have my cocealed firearm but it's a false since of security, and like the previous poster said can put both parties on edge. And once they've robbed you you can't very well shoot them in the back that is unless you like the county's free continental breakfst. I guess it's still better to have a weapon where ever it may be than not have one at all. I feel for the family of these victims and hope they get through this tragedy. I also think they ought to hang the sick B------- that did this and not waste any money on this worthless individual..just my 2

I wasn't sure where to put it.........deals with selling and buying, but isn't an item for sale, so the classifieds was a no go. Figured it would get moved to the appropriate place if need be.