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Best Optima battery to use with Warn 8000 winch ??


Bronco Guru
Oct 14, 2004
I should have my bumper and winch on during the week after Christmas and will need to upgrade my battery. I was in Sam's Club tonight and they have red, yellow and blue optima's. The red is the cheapest and says for cranking, the yellow is a little more and is deep cylcle and cranking, the blue is the most expensive and is marine. I know these batteries have been disscussed in numerous threads, but I thought I would ask the question for myself. I will be using a Warn X8000i and will have 2 offroad lights.

Does anybody use the marine battery?
Suggestions on which to buy?


Full Member
Sep 18, 2004
here is my oppinion. Take it for what it is worth. This is the setup I have had for a little over a year with a warn m8000.

Get the bluetop dual purpose. Its the same as the yellow top. difference is it is marketed towards marine use because of its post setup. Which I think kicks butt in a 4x4. The yellow has two top posts and 2 side posts (worthless). The blue has 4 top posts, two regular and 2 that have wingnuts. Very nice for your winch connection and lights and so much other!


Bronco Guru
Nov 10, 2004
Brantford, Ontario
If you can wait a couple of weeks, I just about have the final touches on the Deka Intimidator deal. They won't be ready until February though. I just got word they are going to knock the price down to below my cost. There is just a lot of legal mumble jumble I have to get straightened out.