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best way to learn?


Old Timer
Apr 24, 2007
Vancouver, WA
1.Get a good set of shop manuals for your truck.
2. Start with small projects that dont take forever.
3. Use this sight for all it worth, we all have questions and most likley someone on here has an answer!
4. Find a bronco buddy. Put what state and town your are from on your id. There are bronco people just about everywhere.
5. Join a bronco club. There are clubs in most areas of the country that are a great help.
6. Rob a bank! These things will suck every last penny and litle bit of free time up!
7. Have fun!

Good stuff here... #4 works great. Find some knowledgeable guys in your area to help you out. You can always return the help in the future to someone in your spot now. Learn and teach others brother.