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Beware of this guy


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
For those of you who are active on Facebook (he may also be on other forms of social media, but that's the only one I am on to see him), you may want to check this out.

This guys has been taking others pics and content and passing it off as his own. Including a few Classic Broncos calendar photos.

Here is my post from today on the Early Bronco Drivers group:


Bill Milem (Bill Megulus may be his real name) and his Legends page (not to be confused with Shaun Bryant's Rocky Roads Legend series custom Broncos as many of us initially thought it was) has recently proven himself to be a very shady character throughout another thread here in the Early Bronco Drivers group, so a warning for all to beware of this guy.

If you have not followed it and want to see some of his games first hand which have prompted this warning, search this group for *****. "Who / What is Legends?" ***** for the thread where it all plays out (minus his comments that he deleted).

In the last 24 hours he's managed to raise the suspicion of over a dozen of us who have been active in the Bronco community for 10-20+ years, including a major vendor which he just blocked and then removed when they asked what he was doing.

Bill popped onto the scene in the last month or two and now has 2700+ friends by sending friend requests likely to everyone who posts on a few different Bronco groups like this one.

However, unlike him, others and I who are suspicious of him have met literally thousands of you over the last 20 years of organizing and participants in some of the largest Bronco events from coast to coast and all in between.

I have reached out to folks who organize major events near him and to others who are very well known and connected within our community, and out of his 2700 "friends", not a SINGLE person can be found to vouch for him or his legitimacy, let alone anyone well known in the active community. Not even any of the people whose content he has on his page know him.
I'm a pretty good judge of character, and there are a lot of red flags and things that do not add up. I'm not exactly sure what the endgame or angle is yet, but I am working on a few theories.

In the mean time, he continues to pull content off of others personal pages to pass off as his own and/or to use on his own pages without permission or giving credit while promoting his pages with sone form of paid affiliate programs and to drive more page hits.

When asked to remove others content which he's misappropriated from his page, he has refused. He's recently lifted pics off my personal wall and added dumb commentary trying to be cute.

He's resorted to fabricating lies since he's been exposed as being of questionable character. (I.e. he never removed/unfriended me for posting political stuff on his page. I never accepted his friend request from a month or so ago and was never even able to post on his page.)
Now that the Bronco has reached record highs in collectibilty and value, several of us have noticed an uptick in "interesting" characters in the last year.

As has happened with other "Gold Rushes" with hot vehicles, this is the time that's ripe for all sorts of shady folks to surface, to be cautiously skeptical when accepting new Bronco Facebook friends that have no clear history.
Usually having mutual friends has been a good way to weed some requests out. But this guy used a rather simple and effective way around that which got even many well known club leaders, event organizers, and vendors (including my dad,) on his friend list to establish a form of instant credibility by proxy.

Many of us remember the likes of Rick Hale (Saddleup on CB), and the "Socks & Sandles" scammer out of the Deep South, both of whom ripped Bronco Enthusiasts off for many thousands. We need to be cautious; when things seem fishy, they usually are!


Jr. Member
Nov 28, 2012
I've been looking for a museum quality restroyed bronco for a while now.

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Just for the record and according to obscuremachine socks n sandals name is Dennis Burton!

Don't mean to hi'Jack but just wanted to put that out there .


New Member
Dec 10, 2015
For those of you who are active on Facebook (he may also be on other forms of social media, but that's the only one I am on to see him), you may want to check this out.

This guys has been taking others pics and content and passing it off as his own. Including a few Classic Broncos calendar photos.

Here is my post from today on the Early Bronco Drivers group:

Speaking of the Early Bronco Drivers Facebook group, how does one go about joining the group?! I've requested several times and haven't been approved. :cry:


Bronco Rookie
Oct 11, 2010
Bazetta Township
So, Drew, what is this guy actually doing??? I don't do FACEBOOK or any of the other social media 'stuff' (wanted to say cr*p, but don't want to offend the people who are into this stuff). I read your response, but I guess I am not sure what he is actually doing......pretending he owns other people's Broncos???

Sorry for my ignorance guys, but would like some clarification.



Bronco Maniac
Mar 30, 2007
Glad you are making people aware of this. It was getting out of hand. He got flamed over the Ambulance pic.


Bronco Guru
Jun 19, 2014
I've seen this gfuy post consistently on the obsessive compulsive bronco disorder page on facebook....good to know


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2007
So, Drew, what is this guy actually doing??? I don't do FACEBOOK or any of the other social media 'stuff' (wanted to say cr*p, but don't want to offend the people who are into this stuff). I read your response, but I guess I am not sure what he is actually doing......pretending he owns other people's Broncos???

Sorry for my ignorance guys, but would like some clarification.


X2 on this. With my busy schedule, I don't do any other social media, I barely have time for Classicbroncos, I too am curious what this guys trying to do.
Thanks for the heads up Drew.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
So, Drew, what is this guy actually doing??? I don't do FACEBOOK or any of the other social media 'stuff' (wanted to say cr*p, but don't want to offend the people who are into this stuff). I read your response, but I guess I am not sure what he is actually doing......pretending he owns other people's Broncos???

Sorry for my ignorance guys, but would like some clarification.


He is taking photos from people personal pages and from vendors and useing them to represent himself. Sometimes they come off as if they are his, but not always. He has amassed 2700+ friends in a month or two which is unheard of and just odd, but it has been done by portraying himself as something his not with other people content.

He first claimed to be a "Facebook magazine for the Bronco lifestyle", but then it came out he is supposedly a builder who flips them at auctions. However, no pics of HIS work. He also reports on high profile auction results and then even exaggerates the what the final price is the buyer paid. Another well known builder said he has correspondence with the guy and Bill said he was working to drive up values (as if they have not skyrocketed on their own!).

Then after I and others started to probe and ask questions, he deleted all his comments on the thread, then block us from posting on his page or removed us all together.

There is actually a bit more such as posting blatant lies about me after I raised the BS flag, but I'm still trying to figure out the rest of his endgame.

Glad you are making people aware of this. It was getting out of hand. He got flamed over the Ambulance pic.

He posted pics with snarky comments of our U14 and the Ambulance after I called him out in an attempt to rile me.

As I commented in the thread earlier; I'm confident enough in by Bronco credibility and what I have contributed to the community over 20 years that he does not phase me. He is a gnat that will soon enough be gone with the wind.

Anyone who has been around has seen these sketchy folks come and go.

I've seen this gfuy post consistently on the obsessive compulsive bronco disorder page on facebook....good to know

I'm not on that group. Please go to Early Bronco Drivers and share the warning or copy and paste it from above.

I've spent entirely too much time on this asshat, but he was just too damn fishy to not call BS. No room for that in the community that many of us have worked hard to build.


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2010
He just posted that he purchased two Broncos today. He says things like "should keep us busy" and "we are working on this". Who is "us" and "we" and where is this "business" located? He posted a number (541)480-1601. Nobody has ever heard of this guy but then he says stuff like "We are with Willie Stroppe in his grief" Does Willie Stroppe even know him from Adam? Another red flag is that he has profile pics of Broncos that were built by high end builders, not him. If he owns a Bronco shop, why isn't he posting pics of his builds??

His posts are very ambiguous and he will take photos from people who he has befriended and post them on his page and insinuate they are his or that he is affiliated with them. He never gives credit to the owner of the Bronco and posts a picture about every four hours of all the attention grabbing Broncos it seems. He is definitely trying to inflate himself for some kind of gain. He sent me a friend request early on but I did not accept it because I could tell he was new and we only had four mutal friends, who were all Bronco guys. I never heard of this guy and then saw all my Bronco friends accepting his friends request.


Bronco Maniac
Mar 30, 2007
I saw the post with the U14 too, I wasn't gonna mention it. Very ridiculous on his part. :mad:


Bronco Guru
Jul 15, 2005
Stephenville TEXAS
You know back when I was building my Bronco with tthe Diesel in it.. I was on a sight 4BTSWAPS.COM. Back in the day 8 years ago ... It was a good sight nothing like the Classic but good. But there was a turkey on there named Bill Miiam OR CLOSE TO THAT. He was telling his Bronco getting 30 plus MPG. COME TO FIND OUT HIS BRONCO Wasn't even running yet. I was new to the internet & Man Those Guys were brutal to him.
... They finally got him RAN OFF. & Several of those guys were following him. & Kept reporting on his Shenanigans ...
... If I remember he sold several Bronco on EBAY THAT HE DID NOT OWN.
............. I could be 99% wrong on my memory as it might have been another Turd. But he seemed to have several names.


Full Member
Aug 10, 2003
Speaking of the Early Bronco Drivers Facebook group, how does one go about joining the group?! I've requested several times and haven't been approved. :cry:

I was going to ask the exact same thing about the facebook page. I check the page on a regular basis, but have yet to be approved to join. Not sure what the deal is


Bronco Guru
Apr 29, 2013
I did some digging, just for fun, and found out he actually works for an event hosting venue. Sports games and flea markets.