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Blue and white smoke


New Member
Mar 1, 2006
Granada Hills
Hello guys decided to go with 5.0 EFI, in case anyone was intrested on my choice, anyways I was parking my Bronco when I turned off the ignicion and the darn thing would still be running but more like a putt putt putt sound and the engine wouldnt turn off, and the smoke burned my eyes like crazy, Finally it shut off by itself, now im scared to turn it on whats wrong with my Bronco!!!!! Please Help. Thanks guys


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Hopefully I am wrong but it doesn't sound good.

Blue is oil burning, white is coolant, black is fuel. If it diesels (which is what you describe) then it is caused by bad timing or can be caused by an overheated motor. Based on your desciption I would suspect that it was overheated badly which in turn cracked the cylinders causing both burning oil and coolant. Like I said I hope I am wrong.


Bronco Guru
May 23, 2004
Vancouver, WA
Skuzzlebutt said:
My engine would diesel if I ran regular gas in it. It also wil do it if the idle was adjusted too rich.
Which is the equivalent of timing being off. I.E. With a slight timing adjustment of a couple of degrees you can usually make them run on a different octane as long as the compression isn't too high. With EFI it shouldn't be running too rich. Or at least not enough to make it diesel.