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Body mount bolts


Sr. Member
Aug 15, 2015
Is there a proper torque that the body mount bolts need to be? I am installing new ones and I was just wondering if I crank them down as hard as I can or to a certain torque. Thanks for the advice.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Are you using stock hardware, or standard bolts and nuts with new bushings?
If new and they are not positive-stop type like factory, you don't put the standard torque on them or they will just crush. You could use that crush of course, and just match all 8 to the same height, but it all comes down to what hardware you're using.

The factory lower threaded flange basically just got jammed up inside the upper retainer and they would only allow so much crush before they just stopped.
Not sure I described that correctly, but you do have to make certain determinations yourself with non-factory stuff.
And you must use locking nuts, or thread-locker I would expect. Otherwise the flex of general use would eventually loosen them up.

Stock height insulators were 3/4" thick above the frame mounts. Our 1" integrated body lift is then naturally 1 3/4" tall. If you start torquing it down enough to crush the bushings below that thickness, they're too tight.

Not sure why we have not come up with some fool proof alternative, but if it's out there, I haven't seen it.
