well, another one in the books. It was an amazing turnout with 41 trucks that i counted, may have been more. The day weather wise could not have been any more perfect. My rig started the day reluctantly but did make the trip and seemed to be something minor as it was fine on the way home. MANY, MANY THANKS to everyone that came out and donated. I am only one, without the the help of my wife Kelley, Doug, Dave, Art, Migs, Pete, Greg, Roger, Ryan, Ken, Tim and i am sure i am missing others and i apologize as i am not good with this stuff. I just facilitate a location and a reason, you the attendees are what makes May it forward a huge success. With the generous donations from Wild Horses, Jeff's Bronco graveyard, James Duff, Bronco driver magazine, Nick's Trix, MEB, Tim and Anita Weaver, our very own Ben Brown, Napa tools, Doug Simone's incredible art work, Migs built design, Bronco Jonny, Steve Spinney, Dave Gagne, Townsend Ford......we were able to donate almost $2100.00!!!
Please feel free to PM me with suggestions, thoughts or ideas. YOU guys are the heart and soul of this little get together. I would also like to thank the PACC club as well for letting us hold it there, looking to have it there for many years to come! Thank you and good night!!!