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Brokerage For Canadians (ATTN Vendors)


Sr. Member
Nov 25, 2008
So today I finally figured out how to avoid brokerage fees from UPS. Which means I can order more things from the vendors on here.;D Was a VERY simple process. I called UPS with my tracking number and told them I wanted to self clear. They said I would hear from someone in 24 hours. The next day I got a call asking for my email address and they sent me the forms. I went to a local CBSA (Canada customs) office and received a B15 form, after paying my taxes. UPS is just down the street so I went there and picked up my package. A little effort, but the savings were great. I was charged $96 by UPS for brokerage and taxes, I self cleared for $27. So it's definitely worth the effort. I hope this helps.


Jr. Member
Aug 28, 2011
I got gouged by UPS for brokerage fees once years ago. I now always insist on shipping to Canada via USPS. It may take a little longer but there are no brokerage fees. Just taxes due on pickup at the post office. So far I have never had a vendor who wouldn't ship by USPS.
When I shipped a cage kit I had it shipped to a pickup point in the US near the border and drove down to pick it up. That save me $350.


Dec 3, 2013
I USPS everything up here. If you have time it's the best way to go, but next time I want something fast I will try this. Thanks
Also there is now a company bringing in and selling body panels in Ontario.
Lots of rust up here, they could make a go of it.


Jr. Member
Aug 28, 2011
So NAFTA wasn't all that great ??

NAFTA has lost of pros & cons. It has reduced import fees on some goods but doesn't prevent the courier company from charging exorbitant brokerage fees when they bring goods across the border.
The way I understand it is that courier companies pay the import duties & taxes to Revenue Canada on behalf of the recipient when thay bring it across the border. They then charge the recipient a handsome fee for this service.


Sr. Member
Nov 25, 2008
There are no duty fees on auto parts. They charge you the HST though which is 13%. In order to do the paperwork and charge you, UPS charges a brokerage fee depending on the value of the package. Most times it's outrageous. There is no comparison between the shipping fees of UPS and USPS. UPS is by far cheaper, just the brokerage fees are a killer. So now I save the brokerage fees and get the cheaper shipping. Win Win.

As for the comment about USPS, there are venders on here who will not ship USPS because of a history of USPS losing packages and not being able to track them. VERY common with USPS as they contract out "legs" of the route. Then once it hits the border it gets handed over to Canada Post and you cannot track it from that point.