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Bronco brothers in miami?


Jr. Member
May 24, 2007
whats up guys. So i'm going to school at University of Miami next year and im pretty sure im going to bring the bronco down after thanksgiving break beacuse of the hurricane season, and to make sure i get accustomed to everything before I bring it down. A couple things im worried about is the weather in general and how bad its going to rust my car, whether its worth getting my soft top fixed or having just a tarp to throw over it is ok, and whether there are any of you guys down in that area? I haven't owned the car for long and am still avidly learning about the car, so having some guys down there to maybe help out if i get in trouble would be amazing. let me know! Thanks


Sr. Member
May 12, 2006
Cape Coral, Fl
First, they are never to be referred to as "cars". If you continue to call it that, it will rust more. Bronco or EB is good. As for the weather in south Florida, it is wet, hot and humid most of the year. November through March are the nicest, driest months. If you want your stuff dry, fix the top. If you want it wet, dont. Rust is something that evolves over time. The moisture doesn't help things, but your not going to walk out one morning and your tailgate has rusted off. Just take care of rust issues as they pop up and you'll be fine.