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buying a bronco from far away...



Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
There was a guy recently scammed on bronco pics out of St. Louis (allegedly) - if he had contacted those of us around St Louis we could have saved him a lot of money - we didn't even need to go see it to tell him it was a scam.

Contact someone on here that is close to it, or FB has a bunch of local/state FB Bronco groups you could ask someone to check into it for you

I have definitely seen a lot of the scams out there in my search, and I also know that just because I can identify SOME of them doesn't mean I can identify ALL of them. I did a little digging based on what I know about him and the Bronco as far as location and whatnot and all that checks out.

Ive put out feelers to people in the area now as well.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
Honestly my biggest red flag right now is that its been listed for 3 weeks and hasn't sold haha


Bronco Guru
Jun 19, 2014
I've done it, get references. Call businesses like you mention. Paypal is nicew/ buyer protection. It was very nerve wracking but panned out. Like others said maybe find member here to check it out.


May 6, 2020
My 2 fullsize broncos i purchased from across the country. The first one, i gave a $250 deposit for a 96 XLT deluxe two tone with only about 105k miles on it (in 2018). I flew out to Boston, decided it seemed road worthy enough, and drove it back to MN.

My 2nd one, i actually gave a lady a 1k deposit on an 84 Bronco, red and white two tone. it was sexy in the photos. got there, and realized i'd gotten fleeced, because the thing was totally torn apart on the interior. long story short, she went and pawned some of her jewelry while i waited, and gave me $540 of the deposit back. That gave me the lesson to never let my emotions get the better of me when Bronco hunting, and no more deposit than a couple hundred dollars.

I had sold my 96 bronco the week prior, and figured since i had bought a one way ticket to LV, i might as well keep on the hunt for another day or two. a guy in Reno, NV reached out to me on one of the FB pages that day and said he had a 1990 Eddie Bauer for sale. I rented a car from LV, drove up to Reno, arrived a little after midnight, took it for a test drive, figured i could make it home to MN in one piece, and bought it. That story about the trip home will have to be for another day, but long story short.. i wouldn't hesitate to buy a vehicle from across the country, but i would definitely encourage you to check it out in person ahead of time.

Forgot to mention, i looked at buying an f250 in Oregon and had a mobile mechanic i found on craigslist check it out. i ended up passing but it was well worth the $100. i found a 95 xlt bronco in Boise, and a facebook group member checked it out for me and gave me pics and test drove it. i decided to pass on it, but he wouldn't accept any money from me for checking it out. lastly, i actually had a mechanic check out the one in vegas as well, and paid him $100 when he was done with it. he said it was great. i'm still pissed about that one, lol. but, it has generally worked out for me in the past. the last vehicle i bought in my home state was 2015, and i've bought 4 vehicles since then.


Bronco Guru
Feb 3, 2008
Tucson / lakeside AZ
2 weeks ago my brother was selling a 52 dodge COE flat bed asking price 9k a guy from calif drove to Prescott AZ to check the truck out . In my option it’s worth maybe 4 k not a rusted junk but not that nice but not anyway worth 9k the guy didn’t buy it turned around went back to calif . Everybody has different opinion on what is a nice vehicle , a bronco guy needs to check it out


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
Bottom line, pay the fee, buy a ticket, go see it, or have someone here look at it.

I bought mine on an overnight in El Paso, best decision ever, even though mine was a unicorn.

EB's are to popular for scammers to NOT try to cheat you.


Full Member
Sep 19, 2014
I typically like to deal face to face and cash. That way both sides know what they are getting. I have done the research for some on line purchases - like looking at the inspection stickers and plates and do they match up with where the vehicle is being sold. In this case, looks like it has dealer plates on it from the youtube video. If the seller is really a dealer, then should be fairly easy to get reviews, references. I also second about having someone look at it, or better yet - go in person as your opinion could be different than someone elses


Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
I typically like to deal face to face and cash. That way both sides know what they are getting. I have done the research for some on line purchases - like looking at the inspection stickers and plates and do they match up with where the vehicle is being sold. In this case, looks like it has dealer plates on it from the youtube video. If the seller is really a dealer, then should be fairly easy to get reviews, references. I also second about having someone look at it, or better yet - go in person as your opinion could be different than someone elses

Yeah, the seller works for Ricks Auto Salvage in Patterson LA (title is not salvage) there are only a couple reviews. some good, some not. I have verified location of the vehicle via google maps. He says he is selling it for his wife. I have another video of it on the highway with the price in the window in front of Rick's auto.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
I typically like to deal face to face and cash. That way both sides know what they are getting. I have done the research for some on line purchases - like looking at the inspection stickers and plates and do they match up with where the vehicle is being sold. In this case, looks like it has dealer plates on it from the youtube video. If the seller is really a dealer, then should be fairly easy to get reviews, references. I also second about having someone look at it, or better yet - go in person as your opinion could be different than someone elses

Im also very seriously toying with the idea of driving to check it out but, its a legit 24 hour drive, and my aforementioned girlfriend isn't super stoked about that idea. Im not really an established member of this community so I would feel bad asking anyone here to go look. I have reached out to some folks I know in the area to see if someone is willing to go give the whole thing (bronco and general situation) a lookover. Ive also toyed with the idea of just waiting until one comes up locally, but that seems like torture haha.


Bronco Rookie
Oct 11, 2010
Bazetta Township
The video I got with mine was possibly 10 minutes long, not 40 seconds....this goes around so fast you can't really digest anything.

Mine had the dealer narrating the entire time - the good, the bad, and the unknown. Showed most rust prone issues (except underside), interior, engine compartment, doors open/closed, tailgate/liftgate open closed, etc. Focused in on bad areas, too. As stated earlier, once I got it, there were no surprises from what I was told/shown.

I had asked for this much detail before buying, too.


Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
well, I listened to all the advice here... and did it anyway haha. But now I get to write about my experience in case others end up using this thread as a reference in their own search.

I have the same concerns as anyone here would about buying a bronco that i haven't seen in person, and conducting a transaction with a stranger in another state. I worried that the vehicle would be less than advertised, or that the seller would use the opportunity to defraud me. I in NO WAY would say that my plan was foolproof. If it was, I wouldn't have been half as nervous as I was today. But it addressed my concerns well enough that I felt comfortable taking the risk. So here is what I did.
The bronco I was after was in Louisiana. I am in Massachusetts. I got lots of pics and video from the seller. I also gleaned as much information from googling him as possible. I found his address and used imagery from google satellite to confirm that the photos he sent were in fact taken at his home. This was easy because he had some easily distinguishable features like a barn and a boat. He also was associated with a business and one of the videos he sent me was taken in front of that business. My FB stalking of him also had a photo of him that was posted by the local PD , thanking him for his donation of a cake. At this point, I was well satisfied that he did in fact own the vehicle and wasn't just a dude posting pics and phishing for money.
We discussed escrow for the transaction very briefly, but even as a buyer, the reviews didn't seem like something that would make an easy pitch for him.
I have a friend in New Orleans, which is about 1.5 hours from him. I got in touch with her, and she got in touch with her friend who has an auto shop down there, and I enlisted both of them to handle the transaction on my behalf. Once the truck was off the trailer, she would hold the title, while I did a wire transfer. He would confirm the transfer of funds, and everyone would be cool.
It didnt quite go that way... but mostly. He arrived on time with the truck. My friend went through the checklist I gave her for verifying title and vin and condition of truck, but, we had been made aware that the wire transfer would take possibly a couple hours.... NOT part of the plan.... The seller and I discussed, and my bank told me that within an hour, a federal reference number would be generated which I could provide to the seller, and his bank could use that to locate and determine the final destination of the money. So we agreed that I would do the transfer, and he would leave for lunch with the title, and the bronco would stay with my friends until the money went through and he would come back with the title. After a mentally harrowing hour, I started wading through bank of America's phone menu to retrieve the fed reference number. I got it, and provided the number to the seller. And then he said exactly what you don't want to hear.... "My bank doesn't see the money". He asks if maybe there is someone at my bank that can talk with his bank to figure it out, so I race back to the branch (theres a nor'easter here right now BT) and get there 30 minutes before they close, only to find that they have packed up and gone home for some reason or another. I screamed a little, maybe a lot. I get back in my truck, and start looking for other banks that are open, when my phone rings. It's the seller. I almost don't take the call in my frenzy, but I hit answer anyway. He says, "Hey man, the money went through". I haven't breathed a bigger sigh of relief in my life.
So, I have a Bronco, and its the one that I want. But I definitely understand all those that say, "I did, and I don't know if I would again".


Full Member
Nov 10, 2008
Pic at my friends shop :)


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Bronco Guru
Jun 19, 2014
Looks great, Being there myself once I could feel your anxiety reading that post


Bronco Guru
Nov 11, 2007
Glad it worked out, funny how both sides are tense during the money transfer. Even done in person...

Now, drive that through a snow drift for me...