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C4 swap recommendations


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2003
Baytown Texas
I am wanting to swap out my c4 and go with a AOD. What is the best AOD tranny for this swap also what gears would work best running a 351W, AOD, D20, and 35" tires. I am basically doing a new rebuild and would like to get the right combo the first time around. The rig will be 60% highway 40% trail. Any help is appreciated.


Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2003
I have a 91 aod out of a mustang, 4:56 gears and 35's . I run about 2200 @ 70 (guess). I have to drive a good distance to the dirt. This combo is great compared to the c4@3300 rpm at the same speed.


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2003
Baytown Texas
Gauging by all of the responses on this I am thinking this may not be such a great master plan. So there's only one member here that runs a AOD??? Is this a weaker tranny than the original C4? I was thinking that this swap would improve gas mileage but didn't want to compromise the trail reliability. Soooo am I barking up the wrong tree on this or what?
?:? ?:?


Bronco Guru
Jan 7, 2002
Look I dont know enough about this to give you a great answer BUT my understanding is that you can get a lower first and OD by going to an AOD. A couple of my buddies run these and really like them.


Jr. Member
Aug 7, 2003
Tunkhannock, PA
I think most people are afraid to try something new. I have an ’88 AOD sitting in my garage and I can’t wait to crack her open. However, I was forced to rebuild my C4 instead on account of finances. The adaptor alone to connect the AOD to the D20 is over $5:mad::mad:. If I had the money I personally wouldn’t think twice about dropping the AOD in over the C4. The AOD is a very stout tranny, and when properly rebuilt it is almost bullet proof. The “con” of the AOD is the cost to build it, $$$$! Many people will work around some of the costs by bypassing the AOD and move up to the AOD-E or the 4R70W which have factor lower gears, and wider bands amongst other things. The only problem with them is that they are computer controlled if that is a problem at all. The aftermarket is finally catching up with the AOD and there are many Hypo parts available for them that were not available in the past.

My suggestion, if you are willing to put out the bread and the time then go for it. After you work out the cost and the bugs you will be pleased with your decision.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
there's a lot of people running them I know a few they like them but they have there share of problems do some research I think the early versions had some problems mainshaft I think that were later fixed. one of the guys I know swapped one in and it blew up a couple of weeks later could have kicked himself for not rebuilding it before hand. Once rebuilt he was good to go but did leave him stranded for a short time again while climbing a almost verticle hill tranny ran out of oil had to be pulled backdown but any automatic will do that. As far as cost goes if you want low gears and OD your gonna pay
Sep 28, 2003
Oracle, AZ
I'm running AOD's in both my 77EB, and my 50 Willys PU behind a warmed over Windsor. I used '88 model trannys, got the cores at a boneyard for 75 bucks, and did the O/H myself. The '88's have the updated valve bodies, and upgrades in the tailshaft oiling system, especially in the govorner sealing ring area, plus they don't require computer controls, they have manual TV pressure control. I've worked for Ford for over 20 years, and most of the trans failures I've seen were due to customer abuse, lack of maintence, and improper service procedures performed by ill informed techs. Granted they were ca ca during their first few years, I made a LOT of money fixing them at that time, but now they are as robust as any tranny out there if proper O/H procedures are followed, and proper TV pressures are set. I wouldn't trade 'em for anything! Oh yeah, ya gotta keep it cool, they'll roast like any other trans if overheated.


Full Member
Sep 29, 2002
Ive got an 87 AOD in mine. I had it built with the hardened input shaft and the wide ratio gear set. I told the builder what I was using it for. This guy actually had rebuilt several AODs for the EB and has one himself. I wanted full control of the gears, so we went with the Lintech valve body. I flip a switch no OD and D=3rd, 2=2nd, and 1=1st. Flip the switch again and theres the OD. Ive got 4.88s and 35s. Numbers appear to be about 2500 or so for 75. BTW, beat the crap out of it this past weekend in Cedar City so far so good. Only got about 1000 mi on it.