Guess I just rubbed him the wrong way. I thought by complimenting his bronco to start with ("VERY nice bronco") should have alowed me to ease into the questions...... Maybe he became enlightened when he read several questions along the theme of "original"

Truthfully, as has been mentioned, but for that $amount it would have to be tops in every respect.....
With that said I think we have decided to restore my '66 next year, that has been sitting in the back corner of the garage since 1999!! Can't imagine why it got passed up two times for a build in the last 5 years!-acutally the purists will appreciate this-I did not have the heart to cut it in half when we did the current trail rig-bought another eb from an old gentleman in Tampa for that and cut it up. My green '74 was "discovered" locally with fenders cut on the rear and when it came home I was just going to "drive it".
Paint, suspension, engine, tranny, tcase, new discbrake 44, rebuilt 9", tires and wheels it is done except for Beard seats.........

Now if the other project gets done this winter we can start the '66 next.......
Karl Bradley