Thanks all! I'm just one of the co-hosts - it's not my personal podcast. The Bronco Talk podcast is part of Truck Talk Media, owned by Ronnie and Autumn Wetch who live here in the Phoenix area. They started with a podcast on C10 trucks years ago and now have pods on Dodge trucks, Ford trucks, Broncos, and maybe one other one I'm not remembering. Ronnie came to the inaugural Super Cel West which is where I met him and we became fast friends. I think there are about 4-5 of us that have done hosting now. I enjoy talking, or frankly, listening to people share their stories. I just ask a few questions here and there and try to get out of the way and let the guests tell their stories. It was a true joy interviewing Mary.
I think we've done about 50 episodes now. I heard a statistic today that the average podcast lasts about 14 episodes and then it dies. So I guess we're still doing ok.
Todd Z.