There are two O2 sensors on a 5.0 H.O. One for the left one for the right. Change the injector wiring and it reads the wrong cylinders and then adjusts the wrong cylinders... Or at least you'd think it would. Maybe that's not actually the case.
The O2 sensor can only read whats coming out the exhuast in that bank. A injector may fire on that side of the engine but if the valve doesnt open it doesnt send fuel through that cylinder so it doesnt burn it gets pulled to another cylinder even if the O2 reads a rich condition due to injectors being pinned wrong it will just lean the fuel by the correct amount. But if your swapping the injector wiring then the O2 sensor should read correctly because you have the injector firing at the correct timing.
Now yes if a problem develops in the system then the 02 will not be adjusting corectly but the other O2 will also adjust due to that problem so in the end everything evens out. Unless the problem is just to large to adjust for.
Granted the wrong injector wiring is probably not the best from a performance stand point. but were not really talking about the wrong wiring were just talking about making sure the correct injector fires for the cylinder that is going to fire. As opposed to leaving the injector firing in a cylinder that doesnt need it and trying to pull that fuel through the manifold to the cylinder that is going to fire next. You end up with lean cylinders and the system will try and richen everything up.
Fungus I wouldnt use a cam with 288 duration unless you plan on lots of high speed stuff. or have very low gearing and can use that much cam. the larger the duration the more lowend suffers. Id stay around the 270 duration and lower for power from idle to 4500. You might try calling a few cam companies see what they recommend. with all your other parts EFI, 69 bock gt40 heads ect.
One persons concept of running good is not everyone else's concept. You have to look at the complete setup and useage. but generally speaking cams with 280 or more duration are better suited in lightweight cars with low gearing for high RPM use. not heavy cars used at lower RPM's.