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Colorado Classic Broncos 3rd Annual Meet and Greet


Sr. Member
Dec 8, 2002
Kansas City
Greetings from Colorado all!

Back in 2010, a group of Bronco owners in Colorado decided to get together at a little bar and grill in Littleton, Colorado. This meeting, along with some chatter on this board, would go on to form Colorado Classic Broncos. Since September 2010, we've managed to network a significant population of the Bronco owners in Colorado.

Last year, at our second annual event, 37 Broncos and many more people showed up to this event. This year, we are hoping to break those numbers.

On October 6th, at 12:00PM, we'll be getting together at the Platte River Bar and Grill located at 5995 South Santa Fe Drive, Littleton, CO. We have a large party deck reserved and the owner will be setting aside a significant portion of the parking for us.

We invite any and all Bronco owners, with or without their Broncos in tow, who are in Colorado to stop on in, say hi, and enjoy that common thread that brings us all together.

Hope to see all there who can attend and as always, stay safe and keep at least two wheels on the ground.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
Having lunch and then standing around in a parking lot looking at Broncos is fun but I would rather be wheeling.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
akafrankcastle said:
Phil, help me understand why you'd post that up. Please.

If that is some sort of reference to my post over on CCB in the thread about visiting 75DBE's house, allow me to clarify what I meant by that post. CCB had a long history of getting together for breakfasts, standing around in parking lots, and talking about Broncos. That was fine by me. Seemed to be what everyone wanted. Personally, I preferred things the way they were in the beginning, getting together for tech days and turning wrenches. I get a lot more out of that than driving 120 miles round trip to have the same breakfast I could have 5 miles from my house. And that is what I would like to get back to.

If you are somehow implying that I made a comment regarding an ACB event, you are mistaken. I have never publicly spoken an ill word about you, any of the ACB founders, or ACB.

Am I being paranoid here or was that a jab?

I suppose it was just a coincidence that I used those words. Seems to be a lot of coincidences going on here lately. ACB plans events then CCB plans events for the same day, different area, etc. Seems like CCB is working hard to keep the local Bronco community split. Take it how you will but I don't believe I used any ill words. You should ask a doctor about the paranoia.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2009
Colorado Springs
I personally think it isn't just one club trying to split us up, I don't understand how one mans mistake ( though it was a large and very stupid one) is still affecting us just getting together to simply talk, work on, wheel in or whatever involving broncos! I think it's childish and pointless to let politics play a part in a bronco club, I understand some things we have to be in agreement on, but this crap has got to stop! I like talking to bronco guys and helping where I can, but the bottom line is I'm part of ccb because I like broncos and if the club falls apart I'll be saddened by it, but I'm still going to go on liking broncos. I don't have time for bickering and bullshit, I get my share at work. And I don't believe starting another club and trying to convince all the members of the old club that they need to join yours is "bringing the community back together"! The member/ previous site owner admin is no longer on the site! So I see no need for this, and I did join ACB but that was prior to me finding out the real reason for its creation, and since all this crap has continued to occur I have not been active on the site. So please stop hammering each other with insults and bring CCB back together if you really intend to bring the community together than you should be repairing the very thing you helped create instead of walking away from it!


Sr. Member
Aug 25, 2010
If nothing else, can we please move the debate to one (or both) of the local forums? I'm not sure this dirty laundry needs to be aired nationally. There is obviously some bad blood still around, and I would really, really love to find a way to see it resolved. I'd be happy to let this die and get back to hanging out and talking about broncos, whether it's on the trail or in a parking lot. I'm confident I'm not the only one.


Sr. Member
Dec 8, 2002
Kansas City
I don't believe any Bronco community, local or otherwise, benefits from this type of behavior in a public, let alone a nationwide forum.

Phil, if you'd like to discuss "coincidences" or perceptions that there is an effort to split the community, you have my number.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
Damn. I guess wikileaks has broken into the ACB top secret "real reason for creation" files.

Sorry for posting a comment to a CCB thread. If you guys don't want my input you should have never reactivated my CCB user account without my permission.


Full Member
Jan 27, 2009
Colorado Springs
As stated before I'm done arguing as I feel it is unecessary and childish. This site and ccb are supposed to be somewhat of a getaway from reality and drama. They're hobbyist websites and should be left as such.

I'm sure this will hurt attendance to this event but I hope it does not, it has been a great event in the past and I'm very excited for it to continue on!


Jr. Member
Oct 11, 2010
I plan to be at this event, with or without the bronco...

This is a great event that we really enjoyed last year.


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Colorado Springs
I've stayed out of the whole thing long enough, but I've had enough of the pot shots. Come on Phil, the 4 guys that created ACB because Zillacon f-ed the whole relationship up with CCB never should have happened. You know it, I know it and everyone on both boards knows it. Zack tried fixing the problem with you guys and it seems like all 4 of you don't want to mend the bridge and just want to hold the grudge. Like Airbur and his "come to our site to see my build" comment. It's sad & it's pathetic that people are acting like this. You and the other guys are more than welcome to any event that is put on by CCB, and I would hope that the feeling is mutual, but how about being somewhat civil to each other. Your expertise and knowledge is more valuable than anything, and I think it's a shame that you don't participate on CCB anymore, but that's your choice and I can completely appreciate your decisions if you want to stay away from CCB. What I don't get is the jabs here and there, even after Zack drove to Denver to try and smooth the road with you guys. The guy that messed the whole thing up isn't around any more, nor do I think any of us will ever hear from him again, so why can't you guys drop it? The fact that there are 2 camps on this is ridiculous.


electron whisperer
Aug 23, 2007
I was going to leave this alone but since you guys keep bringing stuff up I feel I must reply.

I feel that I am still participating to CCB. Someone posts questions on both CCB and ACB, I reply on ACB, and that info mysteriously appears on CCB with someone else taking credit for it. WTF is that?

I'm tired of everyone claiming they know why ACB was started and why the 4 of us split. There were 4 people involved with that decision and I was one of them. I don't remember seeing any of these other people during the meetings.

After ACB was created I publicly stated I would not be returning to CCB even if Dan was gone. Later my CCB account was reactivated without my request or consent. That's one step away from identity theft. Please delete my user account from CCB now. I'm not a calf that strayed away from the corral.

Yes, Dan appears to be gone. But as things started happening over on CCB, I reached out to those that had the ability to do something about it. I got NO response. In fact I was publicly bashed then banned. That infrastructure Dan created is still in place. I didn't like the way things were run over there with Dan and I see no real difference now.

Zach didn't drive up here to smooth things out with us. He drove up here to buy a website (which he already did by the time he met with us) and ask us how to improve the management of it. He has incorporated some of those ideas but there is still a lot of Dan-ish stuff happening that I can see.

I'm done, unless someone else wants to bring more up.


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Colorado Springs
Seriously? You're calling people plagiarists? I would like to know who and what you posted on ACB that someone on CCB is taking credit for. You of all people were the one that I have the most respect for because of the times that we have met and talked. Whether you remember me or not, I do remember you, and you always seemed pretty level headed and not one to make rash decisions, and quite honestly, I am completely surprised by your stance.

Other than Dan, who threw you guys, any of you, under the bus? I'm just surprised and quite honestly, a bit disappointed that things went down the way they did and hoped that once he left, you guys would have seen it possible to play in both yards. It's sad really. No ill will on my part towards you guys, best of luck, but lets just be civil is all I'm saying.


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
Wow. Im in the dark here. No idea, and i do not care! I plan on going to this event...even though my history of getting speeding, red light, no turn violations in that whole ACC area is ridiculous...heehee.

I can bring boxing gloves and popcorn!

See ya there gents!
Dan, aka pilosopher


Just your friendly, neighborhood webmaster...
Jan 1, 2001
Phoenix, AZ
C'mon guys. I have enough drama here without it being dredged up from other sites. If you've got issues with another club deal with them directly. Or leave it alone and focus on your own club.

A club should be able to post here about Bronco events and not have that post targeted by disgruntled ex members. Post and promote your own events and let everyone do their own thing.


Full Member
Jan 25, 2003
Thank you Jon.

Back on topic. I'm planning to be there. I may even drive the 79. Will be the first time its been moved since


Full Member
Jun 1, 2003
My plan is to be there. It was a great event last year. Might not be as many there this year but it is still a good time.


Jr. Member
Aug 13, 2012
Wait: did I join the wrong group? What if I'm a baddie? I feel like maybe I joined a splinter religion only to discover it's a cult. Or signed up for a German youth group only to discover it's got ties to Nazis.

I should have done more research!!!!!

Oh wait, it's just a club for Bronco owners. Whew. Crisis averted.

I shall try to get my Bronco running properly and join your breakfast.

Bacon, eggs, Broncos, and light-weight drama! What could be more fun.