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Crowdfunding page set up to help a couple Bronco Brothers chase their dream...


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Help some Bronco Brothers out!


I have set up a gofundme page to help raise some money to help fellow Bronco owners and enthusiasts Travis Hatchett and Thomas Kincer and their team defray some of the costs involved in fielding a KOH (King of the Hammers) racer from the East Coast.

Having been on the support team for Lou Levy for the 2010 KOH, I know it takes a hell of an effort to pursue this dream, but just the experience it one we'll never forget!

Mid-Atlantic Early Broncos / www.FordBronco50th.com will match the first $500, and www.OldBroncosRule.com will match the next $250. Remember, these will not show up in the goal meter yet since they are matching funds that will be added at the end.

When Travis and his team get the paint and some graphics applied, we'll be posting up more pics of their Bronco-skinned #4873 Legends Class entry.
Please check out a bit more info and considering donating to help them chase their dream at this truly epic race.

The campaign is open now and will run through race day, February 4th, 2016 when MEB and OldBroncosRule.com matching funds will be added to whatever is collected through the gofundme campaign when we send Travis the funds so he can get back home to Virginia from Hammertown, CA! ;D

Today I shipped off some vinyl graphics I was helping with. More photos to come next week when it gets on the lake bed and they have all their graphics applied.

I would normally have done a T-shirt or decals as a fund raiser like we did with Lou, but I just found out they were headed out to race this year when one of the team members called me to provide some graphics.

So, even though we're not selling $25 shirts of $5 decals, I hope some of you will still be willing to spare $5-10 to show your support. I'm sure they'd really appreciate it just as the team I was on in 2010 did for all those who pitched in and helped us out!

Be sure to tune into the live feed on February 4th to cheer them on! :)


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MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Wow, this is rather surprising. The Bronco community is usually much more supportive of helping some Bronco brothers chase their dream.:eek: I know you all were in 2010 when I went out with BroncoLou Racing, and Lou and I and the whole team still appreciates all that.

So, we're currently at $270 with the MEB matching funds that do not show up on the site, who can donate $15 to bump it to $300?

To sweeten the pot a bit, one of the next 5 who donates $5 or more will get a special Stroppe Baja racer inspired decal I just made for the racer. I made a couple extras, so I'll offer one up as an incentive if that is what it takes to excite you guys! ;D

$5 or $10 donation to show your support is awesome, it does not have to be $50 or $100, but those would obviously be welcome too if anyone else is so inclined. ;)

I'd post a photo, but I forgot them in the truck yesterday and it is 100' away in 3-4' snow and drifts, so it will have to wait till I venture out in the morning to get dug out.


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
With a season of ECOR, busted knuckles, egos and lots of $$ to run a "regional series"- big props to Hatchett racing for going big. Talked to a little bird this past weekend who knows a little about rigs(to say the least)-this should be a great rig. Good luck to the team.


Bronco Guru
Dec 3, 2007
Broncitis said "Wow, this is rather surprising."
I am responding to that with my opinion is all. I am thumbs down on begging, whether standing on the street corner with a sign or online. I donate my time to a wood ministry group. We cut wood and deliver to needy families. I donate to worthy causes. I do not donate my hard earned money so someone can go play.


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
Broncitis said "Wow, this is rather surprising."
I am responding to that with my opinion is all. I am thumbs down on begging, whether standing on the street corner with a sign or online. I donate my time to a wood ministry group. We cut wood and deliver to needy families. I donate to worthy causes. I do not donate my hard earned money so someone can go play.

I respect your opinion- not speaking for Broncitis, but knowing the right coast eb racer who went to KOH, in '10, there was alot of support from THIS and other online bronco based groups including $$ donated to help him and the team do KOH-


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
Amen very well said.

Just couldn't leave it on "Off Topic" could you? Truthfully the narrow-minded, "I work my butt off for my money....., not giving anybody money to play..." posts on that thread today motivated me to donate and bump it on the main forum. Thanks for keeping it near the top.


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Quote from the article....."online begging has become the new economy"

JAFO, if you do not want to donate, that it totally fine, then don't. But stay out of my thread where I am offering my time and matching monies to help some other Bronco guys.

Nope. Wrote a check to March of Dimes last week. You may know they help with premature babies and families. That donation provided was more than the cost of a decent Bronco. I felt good about that. I do it all the time. I don't personally like frivolous requests. If that doesn't please you too bad.

That's great, and I am sure many of us give to many things in many different ways. It does not all have to be about saving babies, abandoned puppies or curing AIDS.

You guys make it out as if they are mutually exclusive? SP66, to you it may be frivoulus, but I did not ask for opinions or commentary or if this rates high enough for some of you. If it does, then donate, if not, then don't, and STFU %).

I have spearheaded efforts in the Bronco Community twice in the past 15 years to raise money for the families of members who have tragically died which raised many thousands of dollars. I and am currently working on a fundraiser that will have 100% of the proceeds go to a Veteran charity which we have guaranteed a minimum of a $10,000 donation. More details on that will be out very soon.

I have also donated and also organized efforts to help some fellow enthusiasts make an epic adventure or race efforts as well that did not involve life or death causes. My point is that we can raise money for more serious and life-impacting causes, as I have also done, and continue to do, but that does not mean we can not also help with with some fun stuff by supporting a fun cause which is related to the one thing we all have in common.

I'm not on the team going this year and have no stake in this personally, other than just wanting to help some Bronco guys out. Therefore, my comments are my own, and not representing Travis or his team.

A couple of them are members in our club who I see once or twice a year at certain events. When one of the team members reached out about some graphics, I made the offer based on how I had seen the Bronco Community show support in the past. Perhaps the community has changed and become more jaded, or perhaps there are specific litmus tests for worthiness that any type of cause must now meet? If so, I missed that memo.

In the meantime, we are now at $620 with the MEB matching funds added in, and I am sure their team appreciates those who do support their effort.

So with all that said, if anyone else on here can walk and chew gum at the same time, feel free to show some support to some good Bronco folks. ;D



MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Now at $670 with the matching funds, over 1/3 of the way to the $1966 goal in honor of 50 years of Broncos racing! ;D

Thanks for the bump SP66 and JAFO. Since you could not find it worthy of helping a couple guys out by sparing $5-10, at least you helped by bumping the thread! ;)


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
I edited my statement after reading your diatribe. Your a pompous rude guy. You should STFU. This is a public forum with a variety of opinions. If people want to send money to others so they can play, because they are part of the Bronco community then enjoy. But the other thread about crowdfunding would have stayed off topic if others didn't feel the same way.

Your Bi-polar must be kicking in again, you just agreed and said amen and good luck with it, now you take your usual 180. %) LOL

This thread was never intended for opinions, if it was, I would have asked for them like the off topic thread you mentioned and also decided to reference my thread in with your smart ass remarks.

I'm sure more than a few feel like you do, and that is fine, but keep it in another thread, not mine. :)


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Got another $25 + MEB matching $25, so we're now up to $720 thanks to Biff!

36% of the way to the goal!

Keep 'em coming fellas, and don't let the negative Nancy's deter you! ;)

I need to do a drawing... can someone please reply with a number between 1 and 5?


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
As I mentioned yesterday, I'd be offering up a reproduction decal of the "shaky Bronco" like Stroppe used on most all of his race prepped Broncos. Photo of the decal with dollar for size reference.

When I get a reply with a number between 1 and 5, I will match it to the person who made a donation in the order they were received since I offered this incentive.

For the next drawing, I am going to donate one of the OldBroncosRule.com 50th Anniversary embossed metal shop signs to one of the next 10 people who donate $10 or more.


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MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
OK, Julie over on the Early Bronco Drivers Facebook page (and a few others shortly after her) chimed in with #4, which is Steve Stewart who was one of the anonymous contributors, so Steve will be receiving one the few shaky Bronco decals we just made like is going onto the Hatchett Racing KOH entry.

Congrats Steve, and thanks for your support! :)


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
It looks like the saying "There is no such thing as bad publicity" does not only apply to the Kardashians and Donald Trump! ;D LOL

Thanks to the added traffic and/or rebuke of a couple of the folks who took it upon themselves to interject their unsolicited negativity, we've got some donations rolling in. :)

The donations overnight have used all of the $500 in MEB matching funds, and we're now chipping away at the $250 in OBR matching funds! Thanks for the support!

This currently puts the campaign at $1140 with the MEB and OBR matching funds, almost 2/3 of the way to the $1966 goal!

For anyone else interested who can spare a few bucks and would also like to be entered into the next drawing as mentioned above a couple post above, please check out gofundme.com/8xkj6ays .


New Member
Aug 28, 2011
Post their build thread. Tell their story. Might gain some traction. The pics posted showed a cool looking BUGGY. Good luck w fundraiser


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
Post their build thread. Tell their story. Might gain some traction. The pics posted showed a cool looking BUGGY. Good luck w fundraiser

Thanks John, I'm trying with what I have available. If I got in on this on the front end or was more directly involved, I would have some more pics and info and their story. The attached Team Bio flyer and the info on the info on the gofundme is pretty much I all have right now.

I just recently found out about this and those are the only pics I have seen so far as well. Yes, not ideal, but the best I could put together on short notice, and I figured something was better than nothing. But we've managed to raise nearly $1200 for the effort so far, which I am sure is appreciated by the team!

I'm not aware of a build thread on this. Basically, it was a complete, race tested full tube buggy that Travis bought off another racer last fall. They just recently got some Bronco skins on since they both Travis, Thomas and most of the rest of the crew are EB guys and they could not bear the thought of using the Jeep skins that came with it.

A few of the team do snow removal as part of their jobs, so they just got hammered this past weekend in Virgina like I did here in PA, so I am sure that was both a curse and a blessing in that it made them a few bucks, but also likely set them behind on all the last minute preparations that are always going on just before a big race and cross country trip like this, so I am sure they are burning the midnight oil this week even more!


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