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Dirty Carb


Jr. Member
Jan 15, 2008
I've had an Edelbrock 1406 carb on my 351W for about 2 years now and have come across the second instance of having to take it apart and clean it due to a bogging idle. My main question is: is there any common reason why the carb becomes crudded up so quickly? I have a single fuel filter and there is also the filter built into the carb- I would assume these would do a better job but so far it becomes dirty faster than the 15 year old carb I had on before.

I can't drive it much because of college getting in the way so it can only be started once or twice a month. Could this have something to do with the carb troubles?



Full Member
Aug 27, 2007
Boulder City, NV
You do not mention the fuel tank age or condition. These 40yr old tanks get all full of crap that can make there way to the carb. Especially if you run close to empty before a fill up.
I like to run premium in my motor since its a better grade of fuel and motor seems to like it. Maybe yours needs a full tank of premium w/ octane boost and a nice run to clean out the fuel system.
You say that the vehicel does not get much attention due to school. Did you put in a fuel stabalizer before storing? That fuel could be breaking down on you after such a long sitting.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
I'd agree years of build up in the tank then new fuel loosens it up and it gets into the carb also the low useage can cause issues as the fuel is allowed to evaporate in the carb then gets filled up again causing varnish to build up. I dont think premium or low grade fuel has anything to do with it. You dont really need premium fuel unless your motor pings or knocks on the low grade fuel. Earlier engines do tend to have higher compression ratios and may need the premium but not always.


Jr. Member
Jan 15, 2008
the tanks/fuel lines/pump are 2 years old and were taken out and cleaned 2 months ago. The truck was running flawlessly just yesterday and now it won't even idle. The strange thing is that I didn't touch a thing since it was working

I took apart the carb and cleaned it but it seems the problem is still there. I replaced the filter on a hunch but it didn't fix anything either. I cleaned the plugs, distributor, and plug wires Voltage seems normal across battery and at distributor

I will give my best description of the symptoms: once started it takes about 2 seconds to actually get up to a normal idle, it idles normal for 3 seconds, then it dips into the idle range of 400rpms for 4-5 seconds. The engine goes back and forth like this until it decides to die.

I can press the pedal and have it hit the 1000-2000 rpm range but it dies after a few seconds. I'm thinking maybe fuel problem... I just don't can't tell what is causing it


Bronco Guru
Sep 26, 2009
If it dies even when you rev it up you probably have a fuel pump problem. You may want to check the fuel pressure.


Jr. Member
Jan 15, 2008
I might just give up and buy a new fuel pump for the hell of it. Any recommendations on local stores? Napa, advanced auto, O' reilly...etc.