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Edelbrock intake & Holley TA too tall and hit hood, need help!


Jr. Member
Feb 14, 2011
Ok, I have a '69 302 w/o a body lift and the stock 3 speed on the column (3 on the tree). So, I put on an Edelbrock Performer intake and a Holley TA carb and it just touches the underside of the hood. I didn't think that it was going to be that tall, does that sound about right?

Next, what are my options as I'd like to drive it until I finish getting my 4R70w parts and it put in. I'll I've come up with is:

1) take the hood off (not to fond of this)
2) make a bracket and raise the back of the hood high enough to clear (not fond of this either)
3) do nothing and wait for the 4R70w to be ready (still not fond)
4) I do have a 2" body lift, but still don't think I'd be able to drive it. The BL is for the 4R70w and if I put it on now I think I'll open a can that I don't want too. I can already see the stock linkages are to short (clutch and transmission). Is there a lot of stuff to modify to get it to work or is there minimal work involved?

As always, thanks for the help. Going to be working on it all day tomorrow and have internet access, so fire away as I'll be checking ideas and opinions.


Sr. Member
Feb 5, 2010
San Diego
What touches? the air filter cover? air lfilter cover wing nut? or are you saying the carb with no air filter?

Any idea on how much clearance you would need?
How is the hood latched? stock latch in the front center or hood pins?


Full Member
Jan 10, 2008
NW Houston Tx
Find a hood and cut a hole in the middle for a GM air cleaner from a 84 chevy truck, get a hood scoop from WH..... I had the same setup on my 302, and a 2 inch body lift still had the top of the air cleaner hitting the hood. As far as the bodylift installation, you will need an adjustable clutch rod, you will need to lower your fan shroud, and cut out the firewall a little under the steering column, and tilt it down a little to get the steering shaft to fit right. By doing this, the linkage for the shifters have enough adjustment in them to work, it just takes some time. You will also have to redo the brake lines from the MC to the block valve, and add longer e-brake cables. Dont forget the filler tubes on the rear fuel tank, and if you have a 23 gallon replacement tank, you may have to add a longer hose. The 2 inch body lift was worth it though, much more clearance for other options, and better airflow across the floors underneath(cooler floors)


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
It should clear with the correct air filter either a stock setup or a drop base aftermarket type.. I've installed several simlar setups on several broncos and usually only had issues with the hood just barely touching the air filter housing mostly due to worn out body bushings.
May 7, 2011
i had same prob. i got 12" or 14" air cleaner (edlbrock) with 2" filterr and 1/2" or 1" spacer on carb to clear distributer. no body lift on truck only 5 1/2" susp. lift. bigger air cleaner fits deeper on carb.


Jr. Member
Feb 14, 2011
SDlivin, the top of the carb touches, I think its the vent tube on the TA's. Not sure how much clearance is needed.

75junebug, so you say its a tight fit with this set up even with the 2" BL. Well, I want to do the BL, just didn't want to have to do the work twice as the 4R70W should be going in the first of next month. I have a longer steering shaft, but I'd have to figure out the other stuff. I just wanted to keep it running and drivable until the trans swap. So, if you cut the hole and use the hood scoop, can see the air cleaner?

broncnaz, I have an Edelbrock 14" air clearer I got at autozone, this one I think, but I have a deeper dish base plate (sits lower than the one it came with). So you think that this set up should fit stock, hmmm, not sure what I'm doing wrong. I'll be tipple checking tomorrow.

maui's76, so your carb cleared? I can't even get the air cleaner on.

Thank you guys.

bronco loco

It never ends
Nov 12, 2005
Long Island New York
I have the edelbrock 14" drop down air cleaner along with a high rise intake manifolld without any body lift an still clears the hood. I'll try to post pictures


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
you should be able to find an aircleaner that will allow it all to clear...I say cut a hole in the hood and put on a scoop so that you don't have to worry about it. I always like having the option of swapping to a different intake, or using a spacer or whatever


Full Member
Jan 10, 2008
NW Houston Tx
I purposely put a 6 inch ait cleaner on mine. I made a "shaker" style air cleaner, that draws air in from outside the hood. The top of the air cleaner had 2 inch holes drilled all aroud the sides. With the hood closed, these were above the hood line. The cheap centermounted hood scoop covered the air cleaner. I then drilled 2 inch holes in the front and sides of the scoop, and installed some perforated stainless steel on the inside for looks. The end result looked great. and worked great. But I like running with my WS down, and could not devise a latch system with the hood scoop. Wish I could post pics, I prolly have some with this setup in Moab....

Old Bronco Guy

New Member
Apr 24, 2011
Not sure what distributor you have as it may cause clearance problems as well but years ago in my shop I used a 'low recessed base', 4" element and a flat 14" top...no problems. Odd the things I remember...I sold my shop on December 22, 1983!


Sr. Member
Jul 1, 2010
just added a high rise motorsports intake and holley 4bbl with the stock air cleaner. it barely fits without any body lift or modifications


Jr. Member
Feb 14, 2011
Well thank you guys for the help. So, I bought the carb used, but it was still new in the box and the PO had put a 1" spacer on the bottom. I guess in my excitement of putting everything on, no one noticed it. Saw it this morning, took it off, and BAM it fits with the air cleaner with about 1/4" to spare.

Just wish I had known about the gaskets...pour in coolant, out comes coolant from behind the drivers head and manifold. Take it all a part and let it set for 3 hours, pour in coolant and out it comes...errr. Take it all a part and compare old and new gaskets and they are different, what? The gaskets I had were for a '74 302 I think that were order, just to the parts store and got the same as the old ones, going to let it sit over night and try it tomorrow.

Thanks again for the help.