I agree. I don't see how that could ever work using the original stock Bronco cable. If I need to use one or not (hopefully not) I'll just have to wait until I get her running again.
I would like to here from other EFI guys who have done this before. What they have used or how they did it?
I will keep my eyes open and the pick a part for a late 80's F-150 just as Steve has suggested. It seem like a much better solution then the old EB cable with VSS.
Thanks to all for the great pictures! Jeff
In the first picture 2 above; the first is obviously the VSS, the second is the big end EB Cable the third is the EFI cable. I purchased a custom length one here
Look at item 7200. I then bought new and used (mainly because I was troubleshooting a VSS issue) and popped the small plastic plug out and clipped it in.
I also bought the VSS adapter for the back of the speedometer. This uses the factory Bronco cable and goes Cable->VSS Adapter->Speedometer. It just depends on where you want to spend your money. Most "vintage" Bronco cables have been "sprung" which causes the 5 MPH to 50 MPH fluctuation that forces you to interpret your true speed. I never used that one though due to space constraints for my custom dash. It should have worked equally as well assuming a healthy speedometer cable.
I see no way to use the factory cable in a VSS and have it fit like factory, unless using the adapter between the speedometer and cable. Everything else is "jerry rigged" IMHO.
FWIW, there is a (+) side and a (-) side, since I built most of my EFI harness I did not see a junction that grounded my ECU (-) to chassis ground. That was for my 4.6 though. (Just a tip for those who are doing the same)
Hope that helps?