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Etiquette for knocking on doors?


Full Member
Apr 19, 2004
Central PA
Definately ask! It can also be a good thing to stop by in a bronco. I eyed up two 70's trans ams that I wanted to buy for my husband. I showed up in my '77 firebird and asked the guy. I think it helped to see my firebird running and in decent shape because he wanted the trans ams to have a good home where they would be fixed and not parted out. He sold them that day. I found out later that he had been approached by numerous people throughout the years and told all of them no.


Bronco Guru
Nov 29, 2001
Last time I knocked on a door it was about a halfcab that I had seen sitting in a barn for 10 or so years. The guys wife told me there was no way he was ever going to sell it. She gave me their number to call but I never did b/c she made it pretty clear that it wouldn't be for sale. Two weeks later it was gone. %) ?:? :mad:


New Member
Jan 30, 2005
north carolina
I made a stop tonight on my way home to ask about 2 broncos sitting in a guys yard not to far from my house to see if he wanted to sell one. He said he wasnt sure yet if he wanted to or not, but since he had seven :eek: of them he would consider it and give me a call. The ones i didn't see were behind the barn, except for two of them he had bought sight unseen from a friend of his recently. I really hope he decides to sell one, they were all rough but I really want an EB :)

El Jefe

Bronco Guru
Oct 20, 2002
4x4DRIVER said:
I made a stop tonight on my way home to ask about 2 broncos sitting in a guys yard not to far from my house to see if he wanted to sell one. He said he wasnt sure yet if he wanted to or not, but since he had seven :eek: of them he would consider it and give me a call. The ones i didn't see were behind the barn, except for two of them he had bought sight unseen from a friend of his recently. I really hope he decides to sell one, they were all rough but I really want an EB :)

Did you drive past BRONCOLOVE's place then?


Sr. Member
Jul 12, 2004
Jefferson, WI
Stop over there now and ask if you wait till tomorrow or when I have time they will be gone and you will see them at the wrecking yard I have done this several times also I stop by peoples houses and ask all the time most of the people are nice either way. I say go for it. Mike


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2001
broncoman said:
Last time I knocked on a door it was about a halfcab that I had seen sitting in a barn for 10 or so years. The guys wife told me there was no way he was ever going to sell it. She gave me their number to call but I never did b/c she made it pretty clear that it wouldn't be for sale. Two weeks later it was gone. %) ?:? :mad:

Been there done that (lost an awesome GTO to the "next day guy"). I think the best strategy is to have a friend ask-be told no, and the you go back the next day cash in hand. Finally, a way to become that mysterious lucky second buyer.


Bronco Guru
Apr 24, 2005
Argyle, TX
I found my last one my just stopping and walking up to the door. A 70 Half Cab, all original except for the paint, radio and carb. Started on the first try. Paid $850.00.

The way I look at it is all they can say is "No, I don't want to sell it." No Harm, No foul

Tapp Daddy

Tapp Daddy

Jr. Member
Jan 26, 2005
Bonney Lake, WA
Alright already! This Saturday I'll go knockin'. I'll have to check out the one buried in blackberries and stuffed to the brim with junk. I'll trade him for a storage shed. From afar, it looked to be in decent shape, but so does mine "from afar". It is uncut and has reflectors down low in front of the tires. Does that make it an earlier year?

Ryan or Bisquit - whatcha doin' Saturday?


Jr. Member
Mar 5, 2006
Winchester, KY
If I guess right ( probably wrong) having reflectors would make it a '68 or '69. My '68 has them, well, the mounting plates anyway. Plastic has been gone since Nixon was not a crook. I'm thinking they had side marker lights in '70.


Sr. Member
Feb 1, 2006
Reno, Nv
I kept bugging this little old couple about there bronco. I stopped by their house a few times over a couple years but they never wanted to get rid of it. I drove by yesterday and it was gone. My guess is the old man finally croacked and the kids sold it for drug money or something.

The moral of the story is even though they never sold it, I at least had some nice little chats with this old couple about broncos and they were always really nice, just didn't ever want to sell.


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Colorado Springs
There was one about a block from my office that had been sitting for at least 10 years that I know of and I called the old coot to ask about it and he was just plain nasty. The house it sat at was empty so I had to track him down. Come to find out, a friend of mine also inquired about it several times and within a month of me asking to buy it, my buddy came across it on the otherside of town with a guy parting it out. He said that it was "given" to him.

I have also knocked on doors for 57 chevys as well. I know of 5 in between my old jr. high school and my parents house that I used to walk by and would talk to the folks. They thought that it was a little wierd that a 13 year old kid knew what the car was and also wanted it...made friends with one old boy who said that he would sell it to me. He died about 8 years ago and his kids junked it because they didn't know what it was, just broke my heart when I heard about it.
Tapp Daddy

Tapp Daddy

Jr. Member
Jan 26, 2005
Bonney Lake, WA
You always hear about the unbelievable deal someone got just because they had the ballz to ask. I want to be that person one of these days. The wife would kill me if I came home w/another "project", but she is also smart enough to know a good investment. If I happen to get a price on any of these rigs and can't do anything myself, I'll definetely post it so someone on here can take advantage of a deal.


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2005
There is a strategy for everything, but the direct approach is usually a wrong choice and leaving notes never works, if you want to talk about the Bronco talk to them about something completly different at first and work the Bronco into the discussion mid way. Find something non threatening to talk about, his yard and wha kind of trees he has, the neighborhood like you are thinking of buying, act like you are not interested in the Bronco.Loosen him up and the next thing you know it'll be in your driveway. I use similar tactics when buying a new car. I only buy cars on Halloween night, number one it is at the end of the month and number two I always go up to a salesman who has pictures of small kids in his office, they can't wait to get out of there and take their kids out in the neighborhood and you don't have to go through with all the "Let me talk to the salemanager stuff", always get a good deal and there is no time for them to go back and forth.
Tapp Daddy

Tapp Daddy

Jr. Member
Jan 26, 2005
Bonney Lake, WA
That's some good advice Ghost. I can't say I care for your Steelers logo though. Yeah, I live near Seattle and was pullin' for the Hawks :-X . Back to the strategy, I would have to lie like a dog to show any interest in this person's place or neighborhood. The place is a S%$thole. Which explains why a piece of American history is piled high with garbage and being neglected. I did another drive-by today and noticed considerable rust, flat tires and a large, mean-looking dog in the yard. I might stop by this weekend sometime.


Bronco Wrencher and Fixer
Jan 6, 2004
Redcliff Alberta
This one always works. Used it at least three times and have had sucess each time with it.
Saw a 77 on the street, rust bucket had not moved in months, started watching. One day I caught the lady of the household getting into her J**p. Asked if the "little Ford" was for sale. She says talk to hubby but he is not home. Gave her my card and asked "How much is the adoption fee?" She broke out in a big grin and said she would ask. Got a phone call that night from the guy, chuckling his face off. He said "first time I have had a car deal put that way!! Adoption fee !! I like that!" I didn't like his price but we are at least talking. (he didnt like my fifty dollar offer)


Feb 4, 2003
Yep. Should have brought Whiskey. %)
Last farmhouse I knocked on to inquire about an EB next to the barn, the EB is gone and I never got a call back. Either the owner sold, pushed it in the barn, or I had garlic breath that day. :'(