Does anyone know where the "Snoop" came from? Inquiring minds want to know.
We came out with those doors in I think 2000
When my dad brought a bunch of my stuff to Texas when I was in the Army.
While he was here we went up to Jim's place near Dallas, he took us to a fiberglass place who built the first samples. She made I think 5 sets and molds but was too busy to build production runs. We shopped them around at a few places with the fiberglass molds, and ended up working with Russell at Malott. He quoted us so high, our cost that no one would buy them. So we got our molds back, then he, within 4 months started selling them. Not sure where he came up with the name but I know where he got the samples. We had someone else build them. We made around 50 sets over the years but due to slow sales we stopped making them. Working with fiberglass people is so hard because they are so flaky. After I bought BC Broncos I talked with Cory, (the only fiberglass guy I have ever found that is worth dealing with) about building them for us again, we were both so busy it took about a year before we got them out, cleaned and shipped to him. When he gets some time he will rework the molds and we can start selling them again. We have had the originals on our bronco since day one, still holding up great.