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Finally happened: The bronco left me stranded.


Bronco Guru
May 9, 2010
Friday I was trying to take advantage of the last few nice days to drive the bronco with the top off. I was running some errands after work. I was leaving the local Ford dealer and pulling out into traffic when the bronco stumbled and stalled. I thought maybe I had run out of gas (my gauge does not work) so I called my daughter and had her bring me the gas can. I dumped a couple gallons of gas in the tank but still no go. I had to call a wrecker and have the bronco towed home. After getting it in the garage I found my in take fuel pump has quit working. I hear the fuel pump relay clicking but the pump will not run. I checked the ground and it is fine. I will need to drop the tank and check power at the pump. I am guessing I will need a new pump. What a shame, only 1600 miles on the bronco and I already have to replace the pump. The good thing is while the tank is out I will be able to get the fuel gauge issue figured out. I am glad this did not happen in the pouring rain in the woods last weekend.



Bronco Guru
May 11, 2009
Highland, Mi
Well that sucks. I had my standed moment already. I used my Haggerty ins service towing and was pleased with the service. Not so pleased with the bronco though.

Hope you get it back in the road soon hank. And yes that would have sucked hard if it happened in the woods


Bronco Guru
Sep 5, 2013
Central Texas
It happens to the best of us. Ive owned mine for a few months and she left me stranded the other day. A little turmoil only strengthens that bond!


Bronco Guru
Aug 21, 2008
there're like chicks, just when you think all is good, it's not! LOL


Bronco Guru
Oct 24, 2006
I've had three tow truck rides... it happens. Use them as an excuse to upgrade things!

When I ran a carb, my mechanical fuel pump went kaput on the way home from a camping trip. Replaced it on the side of the road in 100 degree heat and drove it.

Couple years later - busted my D20 output shaft 300 yards into a trail. Tow truck

Couple years later (this year). EFI conversion complete, lost an inline fuel pump. Replaced it, drove (towards home) and my spare failed. Replaced with an in-tank pump which made it run SO much better, so far so good.

Later this year - another day trip. Alternator stopped charging I was unaware and running on battery for probably a couple of hours. Battery was DEAD, no crank, nothing. Replaced spare alternator before noticing a loose wire, voltage regulator wasn't telling the alternator to charge. Spare alternator smoked immediately. Threw up my hands and got another tow truck ride, 100 or so miles home.

It happens...


Sr. Member
Jan 21, 2012
Sorry to hear that Hank. Darn pump, hope it's just a loose connection or something simple.


Full Member
Dec 7, 2006
Muskrat ,,,I resmemble that last statement ,,, haha

your worse nightmare must be a chick with a bronco, ;D.

On the topic of being "stranded...I think the saying if you haven't been stranded, lost, or stuck you haven't been anywhere applies. Getting stranded is a part of life in a lot of ways.

A way back I drove a bronco for 11 years,, most of that time in the Marines and the "wild" years. I beat the tar out of that thing,, putting way too many highways miles, 4wheeling,, jumping it and taking into some places that a billy goat wouldn't go. I was stuck 3 times and I mean "what h*ll were you thinking stuck". I ran out of gas, lost the brakes, tore up driveshaft’s and clutches. The only time it left me stranded is when it was stuck and I had to walk back to civilization to get stuff and get it un stuck and drive out.

These are good vehicles,,,but that was then. Fast forward 35-40yrs of mostly neglect they leave a lot to be desired as we have grown accustomed things we don't have to fuss with so much.

So now I have a 69 and I'm more settled down and wise,,,, yeah right :D

It’s been on back of the local towing company roll back so many times,, (well including my little van too) AAA threatened to stop taking my calls. Most times it was just minor stuff and I'm not able to fix on the side of the road. It's not in a place of dependability right now and I'm working to get mine back to a daily driving state and that means working through the bugs and quirks until it gets in that sweet spot. I have to say this one I have now does pretty good. I've spent money on it and still have a lot of things I need to work on but then grin factor is so intoxicating it's just hard not to keep going.

Broncos come from a different era,, (not including stuff like ICON) and do require a lot of undivided attention sometimes which gets in the way of family and our modern fast paced lives. They're like good yard dogs that never die. Tough as pine knots. You run them like crazy, they eat and gnaw on everything in site, hump the neighbor’s dog. They smell , look beat up and are always hanging around the back door,,, but you still lovem and you never forget them.

Everybody buys broncos for different reasons,,,,and these vehicles are not for everyone as they are not like modern stuff. A lot of thinking now is one can make them like a 2014. I guess you could if you have enough $ but then if I can't "run it" then there's no fun factor,,, oh you can "invest" in the current trends,,,, but comes time to leave the blue marble did you have damn good time?

While I may not be rich,, I got some stories that will be talked about for 10,000 yrs,, :eek:


Full Member
Apr 3, 2013
high in the desert
hope you got a recording of the event, because they are very very rare. EBs never break down. I dont know what these other guys are talking about.;D:D


Bronco Guru
Jul 30, 2007
Asheville, NC
Heh, less than 3000 miles and I've replaced 1 shock, 1 "new" solenoid, 1 "new" light switch assembly, rebuilt the rebuilt carb, ;D

I feel your pain.

Rox Crusher

Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2008
I wonder why mechanical fuel pumps love to go out when it is blazin hot ?

I too had to replace one laying on hot asphalt shoulder of the road.


Sr. Member
Jul 28, 2010
I'll play. About 10 years ago I replaced the clutch transmission on my Bronco and then decided to drive it home from my dad's shop 30 miles away. My dad said he would follow me if I had any troubles. Low and behold something went wrong and it shook pretty bad until I pulled off into a park and ride. Worst part was when my dad drove by, with a trailer, without noticing me with the hood up. I had no cell phone at the time so I walked to the ice cream store just down the road and made a call his cell phone. He told me he would drop the current trailer he was pulling and go get the other one at the shop. Turns out I stripped a few of the bolts going to the bell housing and the transmission backed out about 1/4".:-[


Bronco Guru
Jan 28, 2012
Bummer - I'm just glad it didn't crap out when I was riding shotgun in the middle of the heavy rain!;D My Broncos only had me stranded once when the starter died at a friends house. Back then Perry Drug store sold auto parts & I got it fixed on a Sunday night for $20. Only auto part I ever bought from them but it did save me.


all knowing of nothing
Jun 2, 2006
got one out of a Fusion or an Explorer ;)


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2010
In four years of random driving (maybe 1k pr year) I have lost TWO fuel pumps (original and a replacement) that left me stranded. The voltage regulator quit and the battery went dead left me stranded. The Pertronix pooped out and left me stranded. On points the condenser pooped out and left me stranded.

As someone said these are old and if you have not replaced it yet you will! Do it on your terms!


Bronco Guru
Feb 4, 2007
N. GA now South Carolina
It's bad when the EB breaks, but it's worse when you run out of gas, a block from the car show and have to walk by the show with a gas can!!! All my "friends" at the show had a hoot yelling at me!!!

Stranded by the owner!!!!%)%)%)


Bronco Guru
May 9, 2010
It's bad when the EB breaks, but it's worse when you run out of gas, a block from the car show and have to walk by the show with a gas can!!! All my "friends" at the show had a hoot yelling at me!!!

Stranded by the owner!!!!%)%)%)

This is what I thought had happened to me. I had just left the local Ford dealership (which is also a client of mine) when it quit right out in front. A couple people stopped that work there and asked if they could help. I was embarrassed to say the least. I was relieved to see I had not run out of gas. I will get my fuel gauge fixed. I have the BC tank and will use this time to get the correct sender assembly while I'm at it.
