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Florida Bronco Owners!


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2006
Saint Cloud
For All Of Our Florida Bronco Owners! I am looking for some feedback about the best place for all of us Florida Bronco Nuts to converge for a Florida Meet & Greet and a day in the mud.

I live in Central Florida the Orlando area! Let me know where you all think the best place would be!


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
orlando is about as far as i'll go...anything more and i end up spending a whole day traveling, kinda takes away from the weekend,


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Land O' Lakes, FL
I think ocala would be best its in the middle of the state.

Chris, my offer is still out there if you want to use my place. A Saturday or Sunday meet and greet would be great idea. I just dont have time to organize a whole weekend event until after September. Im swamped with work and lucky to get a day off as it is. Give me a call tomarrow and let me know when you want to do it. Even if I cant make it Brian72 and Potshot know they are always welcome to use it anytime. They both have my trust, They are both very familiar with my camp, have an idea where to go and know how everything works at the cabin. I can give someone GPS cordinates for all the trails that Brian and Rob dont know. You want to plan the routes along the springs. When it's hot out there is nothing like wheeling for a couple hours then jumping in the crystal clear springs. Just look out for the Old Man in the White Dodge!

BTW, it would make a nice warm up for the event Im planning in November. I want to plan a major event.


Jr. Member
Mar 14, 2005
Neptune Beach
I would be up for something in Ocala, it is about as far as I feel comfortable driving. I was able to borrow a trailer last year for SEEB spring break but I don't have access anymore or I would be joining you guy's this weekend.


Early Bronco Student
Jun 18, 2001
Yeah - I can help with something in Ocala. Todd has a nice place to converge and there is some mud to be found not too far.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
Ocala sounds good to me. Load up the trailer and get going!


Bronco Guru
Sep 6, 2006
Saint Cloud
Ok Sounds Good Someone Pic A Date Todd Your Place Whats Good For You. I Will Call You On Wed See Ya


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Land O' Lakes, FL

Durn it Brian, ya just had to find out! Now that ya know I'll tell ya. That is the last leg and final destination of my "Top Secret 8 Hour Ocala Ultimate Bronco Day Run And Tour Route"

Oh well, although it is the end of the tour, believe it or not it's not the hightlight. I've been going there since I was a kid. That's one of the tracks we used to race. It's about time they caught on and opened it up to our kind. If you've never been there then all I can tell you is its as close to MOAB as we will ever get here in Florida. You will deffinately feel like your in another state. Posting that pic got me fired up. Lets go man, skip out of work, pic up the Bronco and me on the way!


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Land O' Lakes, FL
Ok Sounds Good Someone Pic A Date Todd Your Place Whats Good For You. I Will Call You On Wed See Ya

Thanks, but go ahead and pick a date that works for you and everyone else. Lkie I said, I am swamped with work and most likely the ealiest I can commit to going will be the day before whatever day you pick. Just about any weekend is open. One of my customers wants to plan a small fishing tournment for his employees and I think one of my friends wants to take his wife and kids up sometime soon but thats about it. It would help if you could nail something down soon, that way I can work their request around you. Call me when you get a chance.


Bronco Guru
Jun 14, 2006
My rig is not running yet so if I go it'll be as a rider but it would be nice to have it toward the end of the summer so it's not so freakin hot. Maybe Sept/Oct time frame. But like I said I don't have a truck coming so I'm just suggesting. This eight hour thing Todd is planning sounds very interesting. And Ocala is gonna be a neat place to ride.


Bronco Guru
Dec 18, 2003
when is the eight hour thing? is it an open invite to the secret ride?


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Land O' Lakes, FL
when is the eight hour thing? is it an open invite to the secret ride?[/QUOTE

Not really a big secret. We will run it at the next day meet that Chris and Brian are planning. I just wanted to put together a cool route so people know where to go if Im not around. We are also starting our Baja training so we need routes to mark and study our times. The forest is much bigger than most people realize at 400,000 acres and its easy to get lost. Looks like we may have to hold off on Hardrock until they get the fee's worked out. Right now, the owner Glen is asking $40 a day and $30 a day if you purchase a annual membership for a one time fee of $150. I know Glen so I prefer to stay out of it and let the Flat Landers work it out with him. I can already see some major issues. I know Glen well and he is a real stand up guy. He isnt in it to rake people over the coals to get rich so Im sure his fee's are justifiable and mainly due to the unjust increase in Liability insurance. I looked into it a few years ago and it was ridiculously expensive then. And for those of you thinking all he has to due is have people sign release papers believe me thats only a small requirment that offers little protection. The park is only 100 acres and the part designated to ORV's is most likely not that big. He is going to have to make the Bang meet the Buck but I am sure he will. The elevation alone is something only a few ever get to experience in Florida. He has one of the nicest Motorcross tracks in the Country if you ask me so he knows what he is doing. If he listens to the Flat Landers and applies what he already knows I am sure they will come up with something well worth the money. Glen's track is on a major motor cross circuit and at one time I think it was an AMA track. Im sure he isnt just doing this to dable so I wouldnt be suprised if we start to see some of those cool events we only see on ESPN right here in Florida. Anyhow, all of this is for another thread another day.

Looking forward to meeting everyone.
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Sr. Member
Dec 21, 2005
ocala would be great. count me in if the dates work out. hey samjax i remember you at ocala nice Bronco. Later, Darren


Sr. Member
Jan 15, 2006
Land O' Lakes, FL
My rig is not running yet so if I go it'll be as a rider but it would be nice to have it toward the end of the summer so it's not so freakin hot. Maybe Sept/Oct time frame. But like I said I don't have a truck coming so I'm just suggesting. This eight hour thing Todd is planning sounds very interesting. And Ocala is gonna be a neat place to ride.

This thread seems to have veard off a little, sorry If I confused anyone. Yank(Chris) was looking for a central place to hold a meet and greet. Ocala came up as a central location and I offered my camp. I explained to Chris that I am swamped with work over the next month or two so I would prefer not to be the main point of contact. Although I doubt I will miss it, I had to let him know that the nature of my work prohibits me from making long term commitments this time of year. So, just in case I requested he contact Potshot (Rob)and Brian72, (Brian) to insure they can make it so the event would still happen. Brian and Rob are familiar with the camp, the general area and welcome to use it anytime.

The 8 hour route is not meant to be kept as a secret. It's something Brian and I have talked about doing. When he and Rob came up, I didnt get to take them to some of the best spots so I was waiting for the next opportunity to show them everything they missed. The place he found out about and posted was one of them. I wouldnt even try to cover the whole route with a one day trip but for those who have never been to any of these places your in for a great time. I have hosted many trips and I think what I like the most is listening to peoples reactions, even some who have lived in the state a long time, when they realize they had know idea what the real Florida looks like.

November came up becuase I told Chris I want to plan a Major all weekend event at that time. The Flat Landers stage their annual event up there this same time. Im not sure if it is there biggest event but it has to be very close to it because they fill up the KOA and its less than a mile from my camp. They may be Heeps but its very cool seeing 200 of them go down the road at the same time.

Hope that clears everything up, Thanks for leading this off Chris. As soon as you nail down a date with everyone let me know and it's on! By the way, the heat is still bearable around this time. Not trying to say you wont break a sweat in the middle of the day but thats what the springs are for. Try not to schedule to far out as it will get nasty dry and hot June - July. looking forward to meeting everyone.