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Ford attack


Sr. Member
Mar 22, 2005
My Son called me tonight to tell me about an attack on the Ranger Station by Ford motor Co. for using the name Ranger. Has there been any problems here at Classic Broncos?


Feb 27, 2002
seems like ford tried to do this to the mustang forums not long ago...


Sr. Member
Mar 22, 2005
Just looked at the thread on TRS and they have a link to the Mustang site and more details from the TRS admin. It looks like a big problem. Or is it??? Admin a call out to you, any thing to worry about?


New Member
Dec 9, 2008
ok so i am new here but my dad has been here for awhile now he is getfuzzy, i past the info on to him about the attack on therangerstation.com, i hope i am not overstepping my boundaries, it being my first post and all, but we need help anybody that loves their ford and being able to be on a forum like this and ours, and share info and pics and tech stuff, we would like all the help we can in fighting this here is our page about the attack http://www.therangerstation.com/forums/showthread.php?t=32801
there is a link in there to write to ford, please help if our site does go down who knows how long till ford attacks more and more sites like the one you guys have here and our site. thank you guys in advance in the help to support forum site


Bronco Guru
Jan 27, 2002
Troy, NY
They usually leave the websites and forums alone. As soon as you put a Ford,Bronco,Mustang etc., name on something for sale they want their cut of the pie.


Sr. Member
Dec 22, 2006
Abita Springs, LA
Well, I tell you what, they can have all the doman names back and whatever other crap they want to pull, and I'll keep my tax dollars that they want to keep their poorly run business afloat. Besides, maybe the ARMY RANGERS should sue them. I'm pretty sure the Rangers have been around longer, and deserve the all the credit for the crediblity the name carries!


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
It's simply a trademark/copyright thing. ALL big companies do this. If they ignore the use of their trademarks by others - including non-profits enthusiast websites like this - then they risk losing the copyright and it becoming public domain. That opens the door to the idiots that then use it to make money. Then the big company has no recourse to stop them or to get any compensation. Seems really stupid from our point of view, but unfortunately it's reality of big business. Companies will go to great lengths to protect their trademarks and copyrights.

Kellogs sued Exxon over the use of the a cartoon tiger which Kelloggs said looked too much like Tony the Tiger. Both companies spent big bucks (probably millions) protecting "their" trademark. In the end Exxon could still use the tiger but 2 hairs sticking out the top of the tiger's head had to be removed. Now Tony can have the 2 hairs and the Exxon tiger cannot. Pretty silly!


Sr. Member
May 6, 2007
Asbury Park, NJ
I got the same email:

Dear Member,

I appologize for this email. I don't normally email the members but this is an emergency.

Today, (December 9, 2008) I received a letter from the law offices of Howard, Phillips & Andersen that represent the Ford Motor Company. Ford is forcing us to surrender the name 'therangerstation.com' to them and stop using it. Ford states that using the name 'Ranger' when used in reference to the Ford Ranger is a trademark violation. In addition they are wanting me to pay them $5,000.

As you may know, The Ranger Station has been around for the past 10 years and has been a valuable resource to Ranger enthusiasts.

If Ford does this to us, where will they stop?

I have 10-days to surrender the name and pay them $5,000. I'm asking that you contact Ford online and ask them to reconsider making us change our name and prohibiting us from using the word 'Ranger'.

You can contact them at:


a sample of what one of the members wrote is:

"To whom it may concern:

I am writing concerning your recent legal attacks on various "fan" websites for vehicles such as the Mustang and Ranger. I am insulted by this careless misuse of our legal system and am reconsidering any further vehicle purchases from your company until you cease and desist from any further legal action concerning this subject. I have been a Ford owner for many years and I had hoped to stay that way. These attacks are morally wrong since they are geared towards your customers, and do not instill the least bit of confidence in your brand. For the sake of your business, I ask you to please reconsider immediately.

Thank you."

Thank you for your support and I applogize for this email.

Jim Oaks

I had a ranger for 11 years that I could not have done without the help of a lot of moderators at the TheRangerStation....

I think that this is related to the Big 3 being in congress asking for money right now. (which btw will only last till summer if they dont change)
While GM and Chrystler stand to do the most, because for had been down sizing for the last 8 years, I can only image that the lawyers at Ford are being ask to review all POSSIBLE assets to Ford and maybe ones like Fans sites that could bring in some money. The more assets recognized possibly the more take in the bail out?


New Member
Nov 13, 2007
San Antonio
I don't want to get off topic but we are having school districts that are being taken to court because their team logos or lettering on uniforms are too close to NCAA teams. One school in the Austin area (Texas) had to spend over $100k on new uniforms, repainting,etc. because their block W was too close to the unis. of wisconson.


Jr. Member
Nov 21, 2008
Springfield, NE
I myself received the e-mail from the ranger station as well. I proceeded to contact Ford over the issue. I feel they are taking this too far. The ranger station has been around for years and is a very valuable resource. I did a 4.0L V6 swap over to my 88 Bronco II and couldn't have done it with the help I got on their website.


Bronco Guru
Oct 2, 2007
Albuquerque, NM
I'm with ya on the lawyer thing...

The copyright/trademark issue is very sticky... needed but sticky. I too wonder why they would attack a site that promotes them and they don't have to pay for it.

It could be a good argument that all of the information provided by the site promoted Ford Ranger sales and therefore nixes the $5000 demand and far more above that. Measuring that amount might not be easy...

mr incredible

Bronco Guru
Feb 25, 2007
not all lawyers are bad {i think?} but i think that ford is trying to pull in money , to save their asses on this bail out thing .... good luck on this folks , it is kinda like the music industry, sueing you for making a tape of their music{or these days burning a cd} just dated my self real bad there .


Bronco Guru
Sep 19, 2006
Naples, FL
This is all nonsense. If the Ranger Station was a huge commercial success and raking in large amounts of cash, then perhaps they would have a leg to stand on. These Forums are more a passion than a buisness. Ford should be flattered that we love our vehicles so much. Of the 12 vehicles that I have owned in my life, 7 have been Fords and one was a Mazda built in the US by Ford, so really 8. I would venture the Story is similar with most on this site. Ford should be careful about alienating the diehards.

In order of purchase

1975 Ford Bronco (Purchased in 1988)
1990 Ford Mustang (New - 1990)
2004 Ford Explorer Sport Trac (New - 2004)
2006 Ford Mustang (New - 2006)
1976 Ford Bronco (2006)
2007 Ford Mustang (New - 2007)
2008 Ford Mustang (New - 2008)