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Grinding noise


New Member
Mar 29, 2005
The last couple of times I started my Bronco when it was cold there was a grinding noise coming from the pulley area. I drove it to my buddies house to get his opinion but it quit making the noise.It seems after it warms up it quits making the noise.Today I tightened the 4 bolts that holds the fan.It sounded ok.I know common sense says it's ok but the screws were really not very loose maybe 2 of them barely moved. Could this have been the problem.Please advise, thanks


Full Member
Jan 4, 2005
I agree with the balancer possibility. I had the same sounds on my rig a few weeks ago right before my balancer came apart. If it is the balancer you will have a hard time finding a replacement for it. I sent mine to damper doctor in So Cal and they rebuilt mine for $68.00. I'll bet you that is what is your problem is. Good Luck.
