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Help save wheeling in Utah!!!


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004


Sr. Member
Aug 20, 2007
Dear Friend,

This is an automatic confirmation that your e-mail has been received. Thank you for contacting me and please be assured your comments and suggestions are appreciated, read, and considered.

Thank you and best wishes,
Congressman Mike McIntyre


Full Member
May 2, 2005
Las Cruces
I done did it too, although our greenie congressweenies in Southern NM are sponsoring their OWN wilderness bills to close the Chile Canyons! Looks like it's just about a done deal - 359,000 acres, close forever.


Full Member
Nov 15, 2004
Columbus, IN
Hope this adds something that may piss a few more of you off - I posted it at pirate too. We don't need more "Tellico" shutdowns!

A friend sent me this reply from Congressman Baron Hill in Indiana..... :mad: :mad: :mad:

Dear Mr. xxxxxxxx,
Thank you for writing me with your concerns regarding the conservation of Red Rock Canyon .* I am proud to be a cosponsor of H.R. 1925, America's Red Rock Wilderness Act of 2009, which provides wilderness protection for the Bureau of Land Management's 9.1 million acres of nationally significant Red Rock Canyon and desert lands in southern Utah.
Between 1996 and 1998, hundreds of Utah Wilderness Coalition (UWC) volunteers surveyed thousands of square miles of our nation's public lands in Utah , taking 50,000 photos and amassing an abundance of documentation of the wilderness values in the area.* As a result of this effort, the UWC has now identified 9.1 million acres of public land in the state in need of wilderness protection.
The land that would be given permanent wilderness protection by this legislation is truly a national treasure that belongs to all Americans.* You can count on my continued efforts to encourage environmental responsibility and policies that preserve our natural heritage for our children and grandchildren.*
Again, thank you for taking the time to write to me with your concerns. If you have any questions or concerns regarding this or any issue, please feel free to contact me at any time at 202.225.5315.* If you would like to receive monthly e-mails regarding my work, please visit http://baronhill.house.gov to sign up for my e-newsletter.


Dec 1, 2007
I sent mine. I don't get why people think the land needs to be closed off, its not like anyone will hike through those 9.1 million acres.


EB Addict
Oct 16, 2006
Renton, WA
Hmmm, I just got this (Support????), must be the email monkeys, sending out the mass responses. :eek:

September 25, 2009

Dear Jesse,

Thank you for contacting me in support of H.R. 1925, America's Red Rock Wildness Act. I appreciate you taking the time to share your thoughts with me on this issue.

I am happy to be a cosponsor of this legislation, which designates specified lands in Utah as components of the National Wilderness Preservation System. It also directs the Secretary of the Interior to file a map and legal description of each designated wilderness area with the appropriate congressional committees. America's Red Rock Wilderness Act was introduced in the House by Congressman Maurice Hinchey on April 2, 2009. Please be assured I believe this is important legislation and will work diligently for its passage.

As background, the Office of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) completed Resource Management Plans for 11 million acres of public lands in the Colorado Plateau region. The area includes land adjacent to the Arches and Zion National Parks and the Natural Bridges and Grand Staircase-Escalante National Monuments.

Additionally, the BLM has identified three million roadless acres that also have wilderness character. This land is designated as a "preferred alternatives" area, which allows for limited energy exploration and the use of off-road vehicle routes. However, the draft plans for this area include an option for this area to be designated as a "conservation alternative," and would provide a measure of protection for these roadless areas to help protect their wilderness value. In the 110th Congress I signed onto a letter authored by Congressman Maurice Hinchey and Senator Dick Durbin urging Secretary of the Interior Dirk Kempthorne to implement conservation alternatives in Utah's Resource Management Plan.

You may be happy to know that I recently was informed that Interior Secretary Salazar has withdrawn the 77 contested oil and gas leases on wilderness quality lands from the December 19, 2008 Utah BLM lease sale. He explained that it was necessary to "take time and a fresh look at these 77 parcels to see if they are appropriate for oil and gas development." I was very pleased with Secretary Salazar's quick and decisive action on this issue.

Again, thank you for sharing your thoughts with me on this important issue. I will continue to follow this and other important environmental legislation as the 111th Congress progresses. Please don't hesitate to contact me further with any questions, comments, or concerns on this, or any other issue.

Adam Smith
Member of Congress
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Jr. Member
Feb 6, 2008
Concord, NC
I've never been there, It does look like it would be the most scenic,wide open, coolest places to ever go wheelin, maybe one day, anyway sent my letter, hope it helps!