OK SO GIVE Us the info on the lift you bought. Brand... pounds.... Do you life it'... Does you Bronco BALANCE ON IT PROPERLY.
I'm a lot closer to Irving than you are .
Weren't you about 700 miles.
I'm about 110+ .
....I'm not sure I can turn loose of $2000.00.. with out a job ...
yes, I'd like that info too, I'm only about 20 miles from Irving!
It's an Atlas brand 9KOH 2-post lift with asymmetrical arms purchased at the Greg Smith warehouse in Irving TX. I paid $1,975 for it about a month ago but looks like the price has gone up $100 since then. A buddy and I bought 2 at the same time to save transportation costs and they threw in two 5 gallon cans of hydraulic fluid. It's rated for 9,000 lbs lift and it lifts an EB just fine. It balances good on the front hanger on the rear leafs and the stock radius arm mounts. Same for my 78 Bronco.
So far I like it a lot. I also lifted a friends 4-door Rubicon and it lifted it fine too - although finding a good lift point on the front of the Jeep was a little trickier.
I currently have 4 vehicles I work on so $2000 is well worth it to me.