So the reading at the battery and the gauge are the same. With engine off I have the same voltage to the batter studs and ground mounted on my fender. With the engine on, black wire from multimeter on a ground, and red on the power line coming out of the alternator, I get the same reading as the battery when the truck is on.
I half hazardly attached the ground the to alternator and the voltage went up slightly. From the multimeter reading it read between 13.3-13.4, the gauge in the truck read 13.1-13.2. I took the ground off and it went to 13-13.1. In the car said 13. For one, it is never this high when idling in gear, always lower, in park it seems to be higher.
So just from that I’m assuming it has a bad ground right now. But that still doesn’t seem high enough? No voltage drop from back of alternator to battery, same reading