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Hydroboost help/suggestions needed


Full Member
Sep 7, 2009
New Albany, MS
So we Put the eb on stands tonight and fired her up to test and bleed PS and breaks. We noticed the hboost started leaking PS fluid near where the MC bolts to the booster. I then jumped in to mash breaks while my buddy spun the front tire. Pedal traveled several inches but suddenly stopes as if it where touching the floor. Pedal was actually several inches from the floor and it did not stop the tire. No breaks at all at this point. We haven't adjusted the rod length so the pedal is high right now but I'm unsure why I had no breaks at all. It's an astro booster, and MC is like an 69 or 70 camaro booster if I remember correctly.

Any ideas or suggestions as to why it would leak PS fluid and why there were no breaks when the pedal was compressed? Thanks in advance for your help and suggestions.


Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Sounds like both a bad HB and MC. You did bleed the brakes and have a pedal right? As you said you were going to bleed the brakes and PS.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2009
New Albany, MS
Everything is plumbed correctly per instructiOns I gathered from this site. As for the bleeding, we got as far as to put her on jack stands and started working on the power steering. After turning lock to lock several times and adding more PS fluid we then tried compressing the breaks. Also want to add that the hboost was hot. Guess it should be but not sure.

Ive seen a couple of instructions for bleeding PS units but nothing on bleeding breaks after the astro install. Can someone provide instructions for that? I've tried searching but not having any luck and I have never attempted this before. btw if the info needed is within the attachments that Steve posted, I'm sorry I haven't looked at them. I woke up and cant sleep because im thinking about this mess and I'm posting by phone while in bed at 2:36am......I've got it bad.

Other than the leak which might not be fixable other than replacing the hydroboost, I'm gonna guess the issues due to air in break lines.?.? Master cylinder is new btw so unless the modle I bought isn't one that should work with this set up, it shouldn't be bad.

Thanks again for any advise/suggestions. I'm not a mechanic. Just trying to figure this out as I can. Thanks
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Bronco Guru
May 22, 2003
Need to bleed the brakes before you say its not working. they can be bled with the engine off or on. I'd probably do it with the engine off first. Since your bleeding the H boost its probably getting air into it so its not working and getting hot. Excess air in the PS system could cause the seals to leak hopefully its not a bad seal in your HB. but you should still get a brake pedal but the brakes have to be bled first.


Full Member
Sep 7, 2009
New Albany, MS
Thanks guys. I was relying on my buddy to know what to do as I'm pretty my a glorified "hey boy". He was thinking the main concern was to bleed the PS and once we saw that there was a leak and that there were no breaks, I think he got flustered BC we both thought there would be at least a little bit of breaks.

Thanks for the responses. We will try a few more things and hope that the leak will stop once all air is out. It might not but we will try that first as I don't have much more of an option without another hbooster.