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I bet I can stump ya!!


Sr. Member
Feb 20, 2004
Here is a doozy, hopefully someone will have the flash of light that brings the answer.. I am just about all out of ideas.

The long saga that is "Problems with Mike's Bronco" seems to have taken yet another chapter.

I had the fuel injectors cut out on me, and finnally got everything fixed. I finished hooking everything up, and the sytem ran flawlessly. Everything ran flawlessly.

I went on a big trail ride, which included about 100 miles of road and 50 miles of trails, all in all.

About half way through the day, we came up on a really nasty mud hole. It was the type of clay that looked almost dry, but then you sunk in past your hubs. I let the entire group go first, so they got to really tear up the hole. At the end, you had to make a big 4 foot climb up and out. Well, the first 3 guys winched it, and I went for it. I just about made it up and out, and my engine cut out. It didn't die, it just cut out, dropped RPMS and dropped power. I found reverse really quick, and go enough room to make another run. I made several runs at it, every time just cresting the top only to have my engine cut out. After about 6-8 tries, I got high enough up it that even though my engine cut down to about 1500 rpm (from about 3500) I made it the rest of the way.

I went on to play for the rest of the day, no problems. The motor didn't cut out again, and everything was okay.

End of the day rolls around, and we start to head back. Every time I give it more then about 1/8 of throttle, it sputs, spitters, and the motor cuts out, just like when I was in the pit. Only this time, it is constantly happening. Here are all the details:

Motor runs great when not in gear. It revs fast, doesn't cut out, and can hold any RPM, no problem. There is nothing I can possibly find wrong with the motor.

When driving down the road, if I accelerate slowely to any given RPM, I can drive at that RPM without any problems, without any cutting out.

If I try to accelerate at any more then about 1/8 throttle, the motor bogs, dies, cuts, chokes, and kicks the whole bronco side to side. However, if I shift into neutral, it runs perfect. Even if it is bogging, choking, and dieing: Once I get it out of gear, it revs up quick, perfect, and doesn't miss a beat.

I took it down to the local tranny shop and asked them to take it for a quick spin. I went with the owner, and he said that there was no possible way it could have anything to do with the tranny. He said that if there were any problems with the tranny that would cause that, the tranny would be toast within a mile. Considering I drove it more then 50 miles home this way, I think it has had its chance at the mile.

I am curious as to what it could be. It was running perfect for a long time, and this just suddenly started to happen. Where should I start to really hunt it down. I have made a few quick attempts, but I have not torn into anything very heavy. I just replaced the spark plug wires and moved the air filter up a little higher, due to the air filter assembly rubbing the wires. I thought it was possible to have a short in the wires: no dice.

The motor seems to only be doing this when I have a load on it, ie: in gear. Here are a few ideas I have, but I need a lot more ideas and advice if anyone has ANYTHING to offer.

A: Exhaust. Could I have too much back pressure? Is it possible I hit a muffler and caved it enough to create this? The mufflers look fine, but they are still a little covered in mud.

B: Fuel delivery. Is it possible that some out, only under load, I am missing fuel? I filled the tank to the brim, so I know I am not running out of fuel. I am planning on replacing the fuel filters as safe measure.

C: Spark. Could my coil be going out? Its brand new, as is the distributer, as is the timing chain.

Like I said: this only happens with a load on the motor (like if it is in gear), the motor runs great when there is no load, its full of gas, and all the other basic stuff. Rundown:

C-4 auto
Dana 20

Holley Pro-Jection TBI
-Holley fuel pump (sometimes known to have problems?)
-23 gallon rear tank

Mallor Electronic Ignition
Flame Thrower Coil (Petronix)

and I can give any other details-information if needed. Thanks in advance for any advice!


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2003
I had something similar happen to me with my former Cheby Blazer. Long story short, it turned out to be a fuel filter and I changed the pump out soon after. I'm pushing you toward fuel delivery and at full flow like a plugged, pinched line, filter or pump. I thought it was tranny too.


Bronco Guru
Jan 7, 2002
I had same exact (well extremely similar) anyway problem.

My problem... fuel delivery... fuel filter clogged

replaced it and it ran fine....

problem came back, fuel filter clogged again...

replaced fuel filter again... still ran bad....

dropped tank cleaned out.... big ol piece of RTV comes out...

ran great ever since....

under no load engien sounded great and ran great.... in gear... was intermittent at first... then always bad...

moral: do cheap fuel filter check before looking anywhere else!!!


Full Member
Aug 9, 2003
I'd second that. Fuel just makes sense, since it only seems to do it when you are flowing high fuel loads.

Filter and pump. You may check www.fordfuelinjection.com for their recommendations on fuel pumps... it's something like a pusher that flows 1.5x max fuel load for your motor and a puller with .. I don't know. Anyway, that's where I'd focus my energy.



Full Member
May 4, 2004
I would have to agree with the fuel system. I also had this happen three different times on different vehicles. One was the filter and the other two times it was the pump. These were both mechanical pumps. I was even pulling a trailer with my F250 (460 engine) and on level ground I could keep her going but any slight throttle or grade it died, Hope this helps.


Sr. Member
Dec 26, 2001
Yucca Valley CA
I have a fuel pressure guage on fuel hose long enough to reach into the tub and wire tie to the dash spreader on the roll cage. THe other end has a tee and a short piece of hose. I attach that in the fuel line down from the pump and filter and before the carb/TBI and then drive and try to simulate the problem... It is a great trouble shooting tool to eliminate fuel delivery before needlessly replacing parts....
I have had wierd problems with both elec and mech pumps that sometimes work fine but fall flat intermittently or under increased flow requirements (bad diapragms?). Anyway, might be worth a try for under $20.


Sr. Member
Sep 5, 2001
cutting out

i had this exact same problem on my chevy pickup right after i had the tank changed on it. I put in a new fuel pump, i put in a new distributor, i changed the carb, the manifold, all the plugs, wires etc...........the fuel line was kinked on it from when the guys did the tank. I took the bed off, straightened out the line, and its ran fine ever since. im in agreement with the masses, fuel.


Sr. Member
Feb 20, 2004
I didn't even come close to stumping the board!! ;D

Like I said somewhere in my mess of post, I was going to replace the fuel filters. Well, I did, and it ran perfect right after.

I came back and saw 8 replies, thinking that no one would have it.. Well, damn it if every post didn't nail the answer right on the head.. ;)

Was the fuel filters... Great work guys!

I have one more question though.. I am thinking about doing a very large fuel filter/accumulator somewhere.. Should it be before or after the fuel pump?


Sr. Member
Sep 29, 2002
MD, Im getting ready for the fuel accumulator also. Im going to put in a low pressure pump (to suck fuel from the tank) to the accumulator and then on to the HP pump. Fuel lines are going inside the frame rails. I decided to add the LP pump because Ive heard that the HP pumps dont suck for diddly.;)