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Inconsistent misfire

Jul 13, 2015
Ever since I got my 69' a couple of years ago, if my wheel is turned all the way to the right I lose a lot of power anf have bad missfire. But to the left it works just fine, decent power decent sound.

So take it to about 2 months ago I was spinning donuts never taking the rpm's above 3000 (I almost never do) no power to the right and horrible missfire. As I sit idling I notice the sound of the exhaust has changed. And the tach is bouncing. About 40 minutes later (when it is dark) I pop the hood and there is an arc from one of my spark plug wires to my fuel line going into the carburetor. After wrapping that in electrical tape it arched even deeper under my cool air intake. (The arcs are short about a cm long) after about three weeks of sitting I started driving it again. And when the engine got warm it started to miss fire badly. Leaving me moving forward slowly. Chirping my tires. After a week or so it stopped misfiring so badly but I can still tell it is. I pulled the distributor cap it is in good shape and so is the rotor. I checked all of the spark plug wires and they are attached in all places. What else can I check?Any tips on how to get it running better?


Bronco abuser
Apr 17, 2006
If you were getting a visible arc from one of the wires, to a ground...you need to replace the wires. They may ohm out fine, but the insulation is compromised
Jul 13, 2015
I just went and checked and there is no arc. Could the arc have been from a loose connection from before I pulled all of the wires and put them back on?
Jul 13, 2015
Update: I started listened and watched the engine. There is still no arc but it sounds like a caddis insect underneath the cold air intake.