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Just Need to Vent


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2006
San Antonio
Bear with me. I just need to vent a little. Bought my Bronco Oct. 2004. Sweet deal from a buddy. Mechanically sound with rebuilt 302, cam, detroit and posi. Lots of engine work, but little interior work. I bought it for a hunting vehicle, and after the hunting season ended in 1/05, I brought it home to do a little tinkering. Because I am absolutely not mechanicaly inclined, even the smallest of projects became a headache. BUT, I was toatally into it, just overwhelmed. I wanted to do all kinds of stuff to it, but didn't even know where to start. One day, while working on it, it sliped out of park and rolled backwards, ever so slowly, and ran right into both passenger doors of my Ford King Ranch. The truck is still dented but I fixed the scrape it left on the Bronco.

Anyway, one day in Nov. 2005, while driving to work, I saw a new offroad shop with an EB in front. HHHMMMM? I thought. I stopped in and met the owner. Super nice guy. Showed me photos of his EB and al of the vehicles he has customized. I told him about mine and all my grand ideas. The next day, he was at my house with a trailer and took it back to his shop to begin work on the project, which would eventualy include the folowing:

1. new wiring harness
2. custom rock sliders.
3. body lift
4. spray lined inside
5. spray lined top.
6. spray lined outside around exterior bottom edge.
7. remove all exterior chrome parts and powder coat black.
8. powder coat rims .
9. Tune-up and fix overheating problems
10. new gears
11. custom 6 point roll cage
12. new seats with reupholstery to match exterior.
13. powder coat dash
14. install new guages
15. install and spray line new james duff flares
16. new carb


I paid him $500 up front to begin the tune up and installation of all new hoses, belts, etc. Well, the Bronco sat outside the shop for about one wek and then they finally brought in to start on it. He put a mechanic on it who started the tune-up and putting in new carb. I would go in every day to check on progress and it seemed to be real slow. At one point, nothing got done fr about a week, it just sat there. Apparently, the mechanic had been callig in sick and had all kinds of personal problms, including not liking to work much. After it sat for about 3 weeks, the owner told me the mechanic quit, but that he was running an ad for a new mechanic and as soon as he started they would start back up on the Bronco.

Abut 2 weeks later a new mechanic started and he got right to work where the old guy left off and seemed to be making good progress, but I began to notice that they were having him spend more time on body and suspension lift type stuff than fixing my Bronco. Finaly, the owner told me that they weren't going t finish the engine until I got the new wiring harness, which would need to be installed first. So, I ordered the wiring harness, and after it sat there for about another wek, the new guy started installing it, with his brother in law (who didn't even work at the shop). They made a lot of early progress, but didn't finish the install. When I didn't see the guy for a few days, they told me that he had also quit. So there sat my Bronco, with a half finshed engine/carb and half instaled wirig harness.

Of course, the story was that it was essentialy compltete - a few litle odds and ends here and there and it woud be ready to roll.

About 5 weeks ago I told them that I had to have the Bronco by March 15 because I was taking it to the beach for a fishig trip over spring break.. The owner laughed at my comment and told him that the work left would only take a few days - but days went by and noone was working on my Bronco. During the process I came to meet another customer who was having the same isues and was actualy comin in after work to fix the vehicle he had already paid them to fix.

About thre weeks ago I told the shop manager about the March 15 deadline and the next day she told me they were going to clear out all of the other vehicles so that the following week they could devote to my bronco so that it would be ready by last friday. Needless to say, they didn't meet that deadline, even though Istarted coming by after work to push them to work on it. On Friday evening, the owner asked when I was going on vacation. I told him that I was leaving on the 15th but that they had promised it to me on that day. He told me it would be ready on Saturday (just buttoning up a few things). I went in on Saturday - got there before anyone else - and worked until 9 p.m. - but Bronco wasn't ready. Worked there from 3 -11 on Monday, 11- 9 on Tuesday (last night). The owner asked me last night what time I was leaving town today and I told in in the a.m. He said if I could wait til the afternoon he would have it ready to go. I told him that Iwas already pissed, and that if I waited till the afternoon, on his promise to have it ready, and it wasn't ready, that I would not be happy (as if I was anyway). He told me not to come in today, but to just let them get on it, kinda stay out of their way, and to come by at 3 pm to pick it up. Guess what happened at 3? Yep, walked in through the back of the shop. No one was working in the shop and it looked like the Bronco had not even been touched. So, I let the employee who was ther have it as well as the shop manager, but the owner wasn't in, he was "pickig up some parts or something."

They called me three times this evenig and when I finaly answered, the manager told me that as soon as the owner got back, they jumped all over it and when she left, "it was almost done."

GIVE ME A FREAKIN BREAK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Here's the kicker. I'm a lawyer. I defend people who get sued. The owner has been sued twice since they've been working on my Bronco, one from a guy that claims he brought his vehciel in, paid a bunch of money up front, but his vehciel never got fixed, just torn apart. I agreed to repesent them in both of the suits. one is set for trial on april 11th.

Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. Anyone who reads this entire story - thanks for listening.

I just want the Bronco back. I'll learn to do everythig myself - regardless of the headache.

Oh yeah - of all the stuff I listed above, here is what they completed - engine tuneup and carb (but still overheats and discovered blown gead gasket 3 days ago), powdercoated rims, new wiring harness (but as of this afternoon, there is a short somewhere, the brake lights don't work and the license plate light is not connected), 3 in body lift (but the steering clumn stil needs to be lengthened 3 inches - he started it last night but ran out of oxygen in his torch/welder?) Several other things have been done over time but I did them while in his shop because no one else would.

Sorry for the long post. Give me my Bronco back!


Jr. Member
Jan 1, 2006
Grand Junction
" PONY UP " the squikie ( cauht my drift ) wheel gets oiled. There is nothing worst than somebody JACKING WITH YOU. Face to Face look me in the eye, I just bought 100 shares of Vaseilane (caught my drift). I usually get KISSED first. TAKE IT TO HIM ,IT'S HIS PROBLEM not yours. Good Luck


Bronco Guru
Nov 14, 2001
you are representing the shop that is getting sued?? either way, I'd step aside from the case as your an involved party. Heck - I'd join in with the other two and sue the shop.


Sr. Member
Oct 27, 2004
God's Country (Iowa)
Bring the full force of the law down on him.
You might get something out of it, but it might make him think twice about doing it again.

Good Luck


Bronco Buddah
Jan 22, 2002
That has to be the one of the worst case scenarios I have ever heard . Of course there are lots of things that could be said , in hind sight , but in the end , you trusted this place to do you right and what eventually got done was nowhere near what should have been done and the quality of the workmanship was very substandard and above all else ... you missed your vacation and that , my friend , I will not stand for . :mad: Punitive damages and take their bronco away from them . Afterall , you stopped there because you thought they could do the job as a fellow bronco enthusiast so I say they should have their bronco previldges revoked for 1 year while you learn how to fix your own you can be using theirs as a hunting/fishing/parts chaser vehicle ;D Let me know if you need a couple legs broken ... I know a friend of a cousin that has a sister that knows .... ;D

Seriously , I feel bad for you and hope you can find something good in all of this because I would be in jail if they had treated me like that .



Full Member
Jul 14, 2005
Order a new ignition switch and key and have YOUR bronco towed to a reputable shop to finish the job. It's not like the loser mechanic is going to come after you (a lawyer). I'm always happiest in bad deals when they are over.


Bronco Guru
Jul 21, 2004
Southwest Va
Thats not good for you. Thats a really good reason to try and learn how to do as much as you can yourself. It sucks being at someone elses mercy. I used to do all my work myself but now i am disabled so i am at my Sons Mercy. He works alot and i always have to wait on him and do it whenever he can be here. I can do little piddly stuff but he does all the major work. I know its not the same as getting rodded by a flakey mechanic but it does suck having to wait on someone else. Good Luck on yours.

Kansas Corey

Full Member
Aug 23, 2002
NorCal (East Bay)
mountain14er said:
Order a new ignition switch and key and have YOUR bronco towed to a reputable shop to finish the job. It's not like the loser mechanic is going to come after you (a lawyer). I'm always happiest in bad deals when they are over.

I'm in full agreement - cut your losses and run. Heck, have the bronco towed out of the shop if necessary. By all means don't give them any more money or new parts.

New carb and tune up to discover a blown head gasket?? New wiring harness that has a short and no brake lights?? 3" body lift but the steering is has not been adjusted?? I mean, I am as bad as the rest of the group around here about starting too many projects on the Bronco at the same time, but no one is paying me for my work.......... Good luck man!!


Bronco Guru
Nov 26, 2003
Where are you, maybe I or someone else can help.

Gummi Bear

Bronco Guru
Jul 8, 2003
Where are you at?

I had a shop here pull the same shit on me a few years back. I'm still un-doing their mess. The only reason I took my rig to them in the first place, was to get the warranty on my motor. It took them 8 weeks to do a motor swap, and a 3-1/2" suspension lift. Stuff I could have done in 2 weekends, but I was in the middle of remodeling my house at the time, and didn't want to pay rent on the apartment any more than necessary. I counted on him to help me get out of a bind, and he raked me over the coals.

What gets me, is that this dirtbag is now trying to pimp himself as a 'custom fab shop, for all your rockcrawling needs' He swings a wide swath around me at events that we both attend, and he's been thrown out by a few organizers, just based on his reputation, they don't want him associated with their event.

Duke Nukem

Sr. Member
Dec 9, 2004
Simi Valley
That's why I learned to do all my own work. Besides not being at the mercy of some overpriced mechanic I know that I'll use the highest quality parts and pay attention to detail. Most of the time you end up paying five times the cost of doing it yourself and still get a half-ass job. Besides, I find that doing my own work is far more satisfying than paying someone else to do it. I've had bad experiences just getting the tires rotated on my wife's minivan (tire shop stripped the lugs and I didn't find out until I needed to take a tire off). I'm paranoid about not letting other people work on my cars because I don't trust anyone but me, even with simple things like changing the oil.


Full Member
Sep 20, 2005
Hornsby, TN
I put my 75 Early Bronco at a local shop for body work and paint -- fourteen (14) months later I got the truck back. It was a marvelously beautiful job! Turns out that his major income is from insurance, so he was only working on mine when he had no insured wrecks to fix! Sure wish he had told me that first! Doc


Bronco Guru
Nov 8, 2005
Bozeman, MT
Its great to say that's why you should do your own work, but that isn't necessarily the best route for all folks. This man is an attorney, and I can only imagine how busy that keeps him. If you don't have time to do it yourself, sometimes a shop is the best way to go, it just turns out this particular shop isn't worth anything. The question now is what does he do about it? I am with the others that say don't give this shop another dime. In my opinion they actually owe you something at this point, as your bronco isn't even driveable now, while it was when you brought it in. I would cease paying this shop, and find a more reputable shop to bring it to. I would then absolutely not defend this company in their upcoming lawsuit. I don't know all the legal procedure, but I know you can get back out of defending them. Then I would consult the other two parties, to determine if there is a possible class action that could be taken against this shop. (not an attorney here, so I don't know how many folks it takes). But, I'll bet the other folks suing would be happy to have you on their side. Again, I don't know the ins and outs, but I couldn't stand it if I had to defend someone who did the exact same wrong to myself....

Bottom line, get your bronco out of there, and to someone who can do it right...



Oct 18, 2005
I’m with you Duke. I was a mechanic through college to give me some $$. I’m now a mechanical engineer. I worked at two different garages and one dealership over three years. I was one of two guys that I worked with who had not been to jail, then I found out that the other guy got pinched a month after I left. The fact is that if you do it yourself you know what happened, and if you have to do it twice it’s still cheaper then getting it done.


Bronco Guru
Mar 17, 2005
Grayslake, IL
Dude - you're a lawyer - you have the capacity to make the shop owner's life a living hell for quite some time - for this guy I wouldn't be shy about pointing that tidbit out to him with full intent to back it up. Either that or point out that you've got a .45 and shovel - he probably wouldn't be missed.

BG's 68 Bronco

Sr. Member
Nov 16, 2005
I wouldn't pay that guy a cent... your a lawyer i'm sure you know some loop hole to not have to pay the shop and the fact you had to go to the shop and do the work yourself :eek:


Jr. Member
Jan 3, 2006
San Antonio
I paid the intial $500 as up front money on an aproximate $800 invoice. I have not paid the balance because it has not been finished. I paid him $100 for material to fab rock sliders - which I'm sure he didn't purchase and I'm certain he hasn't made. He is charging $375 for the wire harness install, but again, I haven't paid him because its not finished. What really hacks me off is that during the previous week, he had several of his guys doing piddly crud on the vehicle (parts painting, etc.) which I was going to do over the weekend, if he had finished the job by Friday as he said he would. Now I'm wondering whether he's going to charge me for those guys' labor when I didn't even want them to have to do that work in the first place. Either way, I'm not paying for it

On another note though - I'm probably busier than some people here, but some are busier than me. That's no excuse for me not learning how to do the work myself. I am extremely picky and would just prefer to do it myself now so that I get the finished product that I want.

Once it does leave their shop, these are the next few big projects I have to look forward to...

1. fix blown head gasket (how the heck do i do that - I'm sure there is a post here somewhere that will help me out - but I'm curious what tools I will need to do it correctly - any thoughts?)

2. fix bedliner (I did the initial bedliner roll on job myself (herculiner) but I want to apply some similar product over it and take more time doing it so it turns out with a better and smoother finish - Is there a bedliner product out there that is not as course that can be sprayed over the existing liner and if so, how do you prep the original coat so that the two adhere to one another?)

3. remove clutch (it is now an automatic but still has the clutch pedal next to the brake and I'd like to remove it and seal the hole in the floorboard)

Anyway, I apreciate all the responses and I'm looking forward to getting my own hands dirty.

Finally, to address some of the legal type questions some of you asked. First and foremost, I could not withdraw as the attorney for the shop and then represent the two people who have brought the suits as that would be a legal and ethical conflict. I have started writig down the time I've spent working for him and rest assured, my hourly rate is a heck of a lot more than his, but I'm willing to call it even. Kinda funny, when I started working on one of the first legal issues I'm handling for him, he told me he would pay me by putting on a 3in. body lift, at no charge. He had his guys put it on last week and before they started I told them and the owner that he would have to do something to fix the steering column after he raised it - it's like he didn't even consider the extra time he would gave to spend to fix the issues created by the lift, and of course, the steering has not been completed because he ran out of oxygen for his torch on Thursday - give me a freakin break! He said the lift didn't effect the radiator, but I thought I read somewhere here that the radiator has to be lowered or raised when you ad a body lift. Is that right?
