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We just need the douchebag crowd and we're all set for life... They never know/admit they are DB's and will keep prices inflated to justify their DB'ism. Look at air cooled Porsche's for a reference.
Certainly I cant be the only one that thinks those Kardashian girls are a hot mess worth watching once in awhile am I? Do I have to turn in my ‘man card’. Kim made a fortune from having a big ol booty. I’m jealous.
Glad you didn’t say she “earned it”. This was so bad that there was a GoFundMe account to make it happen. Where are these stupid people? Hell...I just want a million or so...anybody wanna start that account for me?
If only 4 million Americans give me $0.25 each, I’m there! Heck, more people than that vote on “The Voice”!