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March System

Bronco Maniac

Sr. Member
Nov 14, 2010
I want to install Vintage Air. Just wondering if the March System with their components is a bolt in system that will not require modifications? The BC brackets require modifications? I know it is expensive, but it also looks good. Any info or recommendations would be appreciated.


Bronco Guru
Aug 11, 2014
The March serpentine system does not give as much clearance between the fan and radiator as the Explorer serpentine system does.

Do you have the hood open often enough to make the extra expense for the looks worth it?

76 bronco J

Bronco Guru
Oct 20, 2005
>>> beyond flashy.... look all you want, there is no aftermarket or OEM system better than the explorer belt system for small block Fords in early broncos..... early bronco owners are so damn lucky that the old 5.0 continued on in the '96-'01 explorers.... minus restorations everyone should take advantage....


Bronco Guru
Jun 11, 2010
March system moves the accessories forward reducing room to the radiator.

If you want some bling get the Explorer system out of a yard (mine was $85) and get the brackets polished.


Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
That. Polished or painted, the Explorer setup is very nice looking.
I love the March Performance stuff too, but not in a Bronco. And that's all due to the clearance issue already mentioned. Even the stock stuff only leaves, what? Maybe 3" between the radiator and the pump snout? What about after the A/C install? A little less even if you have to move the radiator back a tiny bit for better clearance of the condenser?

Which March kit are you looking at? Does it have a single or double belts? If double, I wouldn't even consider it, but if a single, did you look up the specs on it? I thought they used to have a chart showing dimensions from the engine to the front. If it's more than your stock setup is already, I'd say avoid it entirely.

There are several slick-city serp setups out there, but I'm pretty sure that in all of our searching over the last twenty years there is still nothing out there with the extra clearance, the solid mounting and the clean look (relatively) of the Explorer.

Get 'em while they're still out there!



Bronco Guru
Nov 3, 2003
Oh, and if you don't feel like doing the junkyard crawl (and many don't) check the classifieds or contact sandmann here and see if he's got any for sale.
He pulls the complete setup, with nuts, bolts, covers and all, and sells them for a pretty reasonable price for the pleasure of avoiding getting greasy yourself.

Bronco Maniac

Bronco Maniac

Sr. Member
Nov 14, 2010
Thanks for the replies. I thought this would be the easy route. Buy it and bolt it up. And maybe that would be the case.

I did contact Sandmann and got a quote and information. Excellent write up explaining the system and installation.

I am not sure this is the direction I need to go. I already have a serpentine belt and just need to add AC. I have the Saginaw PS and upgraded Alternator. I have electric fan, electric fuel pump and reverse rotation WP.

Maybe I just need to get AC kit from BC Broncos or Vintage and make the mods to the AC bracket that I understand need to be made.

What do you think?