bronco std said:Mr. Joe I'm in your shoes as well trying to get the thing on the road for the paragon trip. Otherwise I'd help. I'm wishing I could cause I'd like to see them install those gears.
RKM said:Its a shame my ride looks as good as it does, and I cant drive it yet.
ebman74 said:Hey Mr. Joe,
I could possabbly help sometime on my weekdays off. Unfortionatley if I was able to weld and had good mechanical skills I wouldn't be parting mine out and paying for a CA bronco! I am good at handing tools when asked for them! Or handing beer when asked! Were are you? I'm in Manassas.
71 BRNCO said:I am good for wrenching and doing some dirty work. I can't weld and I am young but willing to throw a set of hands in to help out if I am free from my buildup. Mr Joe can you put in gears. Would you be willing when I get my gears to help me install them?? I live in Baltimore
RKM said:Did you have the lockers and gears set up ahead of time? It looks like you had another section of the 9 in. lying around or a new one. Looks good and clean. What gear did you end up with?