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Mid Atlantic Ford race and show at Maryland Int. Raceway. coming up..


Bronco Guru
Feb 1, 2004
Huntingtown, MD
Just wanted to give some people a heads up on the MIR Ford Fever Classic event coming up on Oct. 23rd & 24th. This will be a very fun event. They have a swap meet, nostalgia match racing, Wheel standers, 300mph jet dragster. It is on all newly updated grounds. This will be a fun event. Their is a car show, with a 4x4 class ;D . I may enter. Even though I have real crapy wheels, and tires. The rest of the rig looks good overall. If you need any more info go to mirdrag.com that should help. I hope I posted this in the correct forum. I would do the lounge but not many go in there :(