3.50 gears + 35" tires equal low range in my opinion. The mud will created a lot of resistance and you'll appreciate low range once all 4 tires are submerged in the mud.
Once you actually do it and are cleaning out mud for the next 5 years, you'll probably wish you would've just watched.
Other tips, unless your Bronco is just a mud bog machine...
► try to implement some type of shield under your motor to prevent your engine bay filling up with mud
► give your Bronco a good waxing before you do it
► windows up
► try to protect / fill small nooks and crannies to keep the mud out of the undercarriage
► if you have to be pulled out backwards, watch out for mud going up your exhaust
► try to get as much wheel speed as possible... if you run 4 Lo, don't stay in 1st gear too long unless you have a rev limiter
Most events have a fire truck on hand offering free washes after the run, take advantage of it - the mud comes off much easier while its still wet
If you are driving the Bronco there and home, watch out for poor brakes on the public roads if mud packs in your drums / calipers
that's about all I got - have fun and seriously consider just watching - that mud is awful!