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Mutual aide plan for fellow Bronco owners?


Bronco Guru
Mar 20, 2008
I see that Rox CO needs to do a re-build on a c-4.
What's the possability of our community getting together and each one of us send say $5 or $10 to the person who needs a tranny or engine rebuild.
I'm not talking people how "want" to rip out a carb system and go 5.0 EFI, or someone who "wants" lockers and a 4" lift, youre on your own for that one.

I'm saying people who "need" a rebuild of a blown tranny or engine in the every day driver. I guess it breaks down to unmodified Broncos that are street legal.
This would be a 1 time deal for the person, and records will be kept of Who got what for what repair.
A little community thing just for us in need?
Say you might get a 1 time tranny fund, a 1 time 302 351 Stock build , and 1 front or rear end?


Sr. Member
Oct 27, 2004
Why not a central fund that is moderated by someone with financial know how? Main vehicles/daily driver assistance would be cool. Interest accruing accounts that can be moderated over by a few with checks and balances.
I'm down if it's worked out in a truly beneficial way. Lord knows I've been blessed by wrench time and talk time more than I can ever repay over the years (mikey, bill, josh, the list goes on and on....). Lets get this set up by February and the wife and I are happy to ear mark a small donation to this kind of fund.
I'm just coming off of a big meal with the less than appealing in-laws so I probably sound kind of wordy...but something sustainable that helps a brother in true need would be awesome.


Full Member
Aug 5, 2001
Spokane, Washington
Really? Sounds a little socialist to me:eek: It could be cool for those that actually need it...... Wait a second..... we have all needed it. Regardless of how good your intentions are, it would be impossible to patrol and there would never be enough money.


Sr. Member
Oct 27, 2004
I'm both skeptical and optimistic for it though. I see Darin's point of view but I'm willing to help at least once. Hopefully it'll be true to much (unfortunately not all..) of my experiences with my bronco brothers (and sisters... gotta rep for 4x4bg :) ) and be an endeavor that can at least benefit some for a little while


Full Member
Aug 5, 2001
Spokane, Washington
It would be kind of fun to set it up in a way that requesters would have to post a thread about why they need it and have to defend themselves. Finish it off with a poll where we all decide as a group.


Bronco Guru
May 29, 2006
Hmm , it might pay for me to start taking the Bronco to work and leave the super duty at home ....:)

See where this is going ?....

I do like the idea , in a different way.
We have something similiar at my Union local , but it has very stringent guidlines , and everyone knows just about everyone. Therefore it is easily monitored.Only about 500 / 550 members.
Here is how it works :
Bronco brother is stricken with disease "X" (Jeepitous). He knows he will be in a bad way soon , financially. He speaks with the Locals leaders , who review the case , vote on it and if it passes , an "Appeal for assistance" is issued to every member and retiree of the Local. It is voluntary , it is anonymous , but it is suggested that members donate 1 hours wages. Some obviously donate more , some not at all. The money goes to the leaders , who turn it over to the member. The few who have needed it (that I know) have been bowled over by the generosity of the members and it has been a highly appreciated lifeline for them. To my knowledge , no one has ever mentioned an amount that was recieved.

The problem I see here is the sheer size of the membership and its area. AAAND , who'll be the leaders ?

Furthermore , I'd be much more prone to help a bro out who is sick , or whose kid is really sick and needs to be there for them , than the guy who blew his tranny or diff.

Another issue , hobbyists are left out of the loop because they choose to not drive their Broncos on a daily basis. Are we going to rebuild the tranny on my F-250 SD diesel , which is my DD ? Just because I have a seperate DD does not mean I can afford for the tranny to go out on a whim , on either the Bronco(s) or the truck .... or my wifes car. It only means that I MIGHT have a back up vehicle. My 69 is the only streetable one , but I would be seriously bumming if I had to drive that thing in Jan. or Feb. It would be unsafe ...heat for shiite ....defrost for shiiite ....
Maybe you guys can pay for my heater system rebuild ? :)


Mar 26, 2005
I am not for this. I have thought about it in the past. My conclusion is that it is just another friction point. We don't know everyone personally and I have been ripped off before on this site. It sucks and I don't wish that on anyone.

We have rallied before for other causes that people have put forth the bulk of the effort to complete in order to help people. That is about as close to a floating pot of money as I would be comfortable with. I would be more willing to give directly to a cause then to have someone else decide what to do with my donated money.


Bronco Guru
Jul 19, 2007
Dothan, AL. USA
Really? Sounds a little socialist to me:eek: It could be cool for those that actually need it...... Wait a second..... we have all needed it. Regardless of how good your intentions are, it would be impossible to patrol and there would never be enough money.

When I read the first post I thought, "When did Obama get into Broncos?"

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Bronco Guru
Aug 25, 2006
I will and have donated time, tools, materials, and parts. Everytime I've donated money to someone that asked for it, I've gotten burnt. I have learned that those truely in need rarely ask for it while those who are not willing to work for what they want freely ask for handouts. This might sound a little harsh but it generally true. I do a lot of charity work because I know that my efforts are going to those really in need.

I would be much more compelled to give money to someone that is really in need of food, clothing, shelter, medical, etc. Charitable contributions for truck parts are pushing it a bit IMO.

I have donated time and money to scollarship programs to teach kids some of the skills that they can use in their future.
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Bronco Virtuoso
Oct 17, 2007
God's Country
Great idea! I did a frame off on my rig in 2008, so every one send me $20 now. Right after I receive all of your $20 donations I will be ready to donate $5 back to you for your rebuild!;D Get real, this is America....everyone should earn whatever they get in life. No socialist here!:) Just my $0.02.


Have Bronco, Will Travel
Feb 1, 2006
Cuchara, CO
The idea of helping someone get their rig done is not a bad idea itself. This is sort of the idea behind MEB's annual "Wrench and Roast" event. We pick a member that needs help working on or finishing his project Bronco. We find someone who has been working on their Bronco for a while but who lacks the time and maybe some of skills and tools needed to complete (and maybe has lost a bit of motivation!), and we have a "Monster Garage" weekend to get a lot of the work done. We do limit this to labor, skills and lots of work and do not provide any funding of parts or major materials. Although we may get some used parts donated. The member needs to purchase and provide all the parts he/she wants installed.

20-30 people can get a lot done in one weekend - motivation for the "workers" is the satifiaction of seeing a member's rig take shape and the look on the member's face when he/she drives it for the first time! (And of course the fantastic roast pig dinner on Saturday night!)

In fact we are looking for that member now for this year's event in July! :cool:


Bronco Guru
Jan 19, 2004
How quick we forget

If you were a member during this time-this had to make you feel good about helping another bronco brother out. If not scan through part of this thread.


Don't have all the answers for some of the questions raised in the current thread but am a bit surprised at some of the takes on the original post............

Rox Crusher

Bronco Guru
Dec 13, 2008
That soldier's wife thread was great..........what a great way for people to voluntarily help someone out

After reading this current thread my idea would be to raise funds through small voluntary donations from site members and then once a year we all vote on who should get an accessory / upgrade of their choice as a reward for their technical advice and contributions to their fellow bronco brothers on this site.

If someone wants to take this idea and run with it I will contribute the first 25 bucks.

The advice I have recieved for my new toy is easily worth it.

Awesome group of guys on here !


Bronco Guru
Mar 20, 2008
I'm not saying make a bank account that someone can withdraw from. Just saying Joe says tranny's toast. In order for joe to qualify he needs say, an estimate from a shop, At least 300 (or whatever) posts here (not a newbe looking fer a gift) and we, as a gooup can keep "score" on this site showing in 2008 Joe did a tranny. He's no longer able for group help. We individually send him 5 or 10 ducks.
I shot deal, abuse is baned form the site.
Sociallism? "obama" help? not really. Would you help somone stuck up to their floor in mud? Is that Socialism?


Bronco Guru
Mar 20, 2008
Oh and say 1 or 2 other members on this site within reasonable distance to the "victum" drive there and verify da problem before cash flies.


Bronco Guru
Mar 17, 2005
Grayslake, IL
We have something similar in our hospital - a charity was set up to help people with non-medical needs. Up to the charity to gather donations for the year (pig roasts, ball, soliciting donations...). If someone needs help, they have to formally apply - the board of the charity votes. Many times folks get help - not always as much as they ask for - but help is there.

As far as it being a little socialist - maybe a little - I figure we've been living in a socialist country for quite a while - well socialism for the super rich. If you're middle class you're on your own. I don't mind helping a bronco bro in need and hope somebody might do the same for me if I ever really need it.

It's not a bad idea - just not easy to implement either.