Man alive, you guy's are something else. I don't want to sound like a softy but just coming in here this morning and seeing what you guys posted made me feel great. I would deeply appreciate her being in your prayers and to those Omaha guys, I'd love it if you came down anytime ;D
Last night was tough. My Mom does taxes this time of year...she lives for them. She's very people oriented. So my wife is helping her out at night. By the time she comes home, she's exhausted but we talked a little last night and it bothered me. After she went to bed I drank some beers...something lately I shouldn't do but hey, a little now and then can't hurt ?:?
The stress has been bad :'( Man, I've got to find a way to handle this. I took some random pictures about midnight that I will share with you guys now. Some could be redundant but we all like pic's so what the heck.
Again, thank you
I will start off with some memories this morning.
Attached is my 71...What an idiot I am for selling it.
Sorry, don't have a scanner so pardon the kitchen table ;D