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Need Advise


Jr. Member
Mar 13, 2012
Heres where I'm at, I bought a 73 around 6 months ago knowing it needed lots of work, but I was going to space it out and eventually get there while driving it on the weekend a little bit. I removed the dash to day to start replacing the wiring harness and it is covered with dirt and surface rust. Heater hoses are in very bad shape. It opened my eyes to how much work is really needed. My question is for you guys and gals who have been in my shoes. Should I go ahead and take the frame off and start getting to work knowing it will be awhile before I get it where I want it to be or just repair where needed and do a frame off later?


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2011
North Metro, MN
Id say drive it and buy another to do the frame off. I took mine apart and it took 15 years to get it back together. Keep in mind that a frame off will cost you upwards of 10 grand just to get it drivabale. Probable more around 20 grand! (I bet i have over a grand just in nuts, bolts, and washers!)

Im so glad i did a frame off because everything is clean and sanatary! Every nut, bolt, seal, bearing, etc is brand new. I can work on it and really not even get my hands dirty. There is not a single stuck and rusted bolt anyware on my bronco. Its a shit-ton of work and will break the bank so just be prepared!

half cab

Guru Bronco
Dec 8, 2010
Id say drive it and buy another to do the frame off. I took mine apart and it took 15 years to get it back together. Keep in mind that a frame off will cost you upwards of 10 grand just to get it drivabale. Probable more around 20 grand!

%)For some reason I thought you were only 19yrs. old....?:?..Any way xx2 on what you said..;);D


Bronco Guru
Jan 17, 2011
North Metro, MN
your always on my case arent you half cab! :p Im 35 and bought my bronco when i was 19 or 20.

If i was only 19 how would i ever have known about drilling shocks!!!!
Feb 16, 2011
sell it for a profit, save your $$ and buy one that is in great shape or has already been restored. Or, just keep working on it and know that it wont be on the road for awhile.


Bronco Guru
Feb 24, 2010
If you are going to start completely tearing into it, be prepared to never drive it again. I see projects all the time on craigslist that the owner lost ambition on and now they are wanting to sell a dismantled Bronco for half the price they bought it for.

If you are still into the idea of a frame off, then be prepared to not drive it for at least three years, and like they said upwards of 15+ in an extreme case.

The best part of owning a Bronco is driving it, so drive it. Unless it's dangerous to do so right now. Fix it as you go would be my advice and enjoy the experience. If it's too much to handle and needs a lot of work, sale it and save up for a good one you will enjoy.


Bronco Guru
Jul 2, 2004
6 months for me, but I had LOTS of time, a budget to get it all done at once, and the
Ambition to get it done.

For a frame off, figure a VERY realistic $30k if you do 100% of the work, if your paying someone the double that number plus some!


MEB Founder
May 18, 2004
^^^^^That is a pretty good estimate IMO. It could easily run higher though if you get really detailed or custom.